Hello! I`ve got one request for you. I collect words in various languages. Now I`m looking for word "sugar" in other languages, but I can`t find a Bashkir dictionary. I`ve got counterparts of word "sugar" in Japanese, Ahmaric, Thai, Georgian and Chinese, so can you write me what is "sugar" in Bashkir language? I`ve got this word in 259 languages and dialects of many regions and countries in the world so it is very important for me! Thank you very much! Szoltys <talk>

  • This is Unicode Character 'CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SCHWA' (U+04D9)

It is pronounced like English "a" in "that". Шәкәр - Shakar Mutagar 12:11, 16 апреля 2006 (UTC)

"sugar" - "шәкәр".

Смотри также Сводеш исемлеге по другим словам. Look also on other words Сводеш исемлеге.

  • thank you very much, but can you write me what`s the letter between ш and к and between к and p please? And if you can, what can I read this word. thank you very much! Szoltys <talk>
I do not know on английски. You has not understood.

Кто нибудь переведите что он хочет? Плиз.

OK! Hi, Szoltys! This is a Cyrillic letter schwa. Is could be seen only in the newest operatuion systems, such as XP are.(becose there wasn't font support before). It is pronounced as /ae/ (like in English cat). So , the word could be spelled as Saekaer '(like in English transcription). For MORE question see en:User talk:Untifler.

Could you please write a stub http://ba.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w or RU wiki? Only 2 -5 sentences enough. Please. Pietras1988 17:46, 22 апреля 2006 (UTC)

Ваша учётная запись будет переименована үҙгәртергә

19:04, 17 март 2015 (UTC)