Румынияла ислам: өлгөләр араһындағы айырма

Эстәлек юйылған Эстәлек өҫтәлгән
25 юл:
== Һылтанмалар==
* {{ref-ro}} {{ref-tr}} [http://www.muftiyat.ro The Romanian Muftiyat]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070125140301/http://rural.edu.ro/harta/unitate.html?idUnitateInvatamant=11049026 The Kemal Atatürk National College in Medgidia], [http://rural.edu.ro/harta/?limba=en ''School Map'']{{Недоступная ссылка|date=Июнь 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot }} entry; hosted by the [[Minister of Education, Research and Youth (Romania)|Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth]]
* {{ref-ro}} [http://www.islam.ro/ ''Liga Islamică şi Culturală din România'' (The Islamic and Cultural League of Romania), a non-governmental organization of Muslim students in Romania]
* {{ref-ro}} [http://www.asociatiamusulmanilor.ro/ ''Asociaţia Musulmanilor din România'' (The Muslim Association of Romania), a non-governmental organization of Romanian Muslims]