Адольф Гитлер: өлгөләр араһындағы айырма

Эстәлек юйылған Эстәлек өҫтәлгән
ә Brenelli lil drake wayne minaj (фекер алышыу) эшләгән үҙгәртеүҙәр [[Ҡа…
Үҙгәртеү аңлатмаһы юҡ
1 юл:
{{Һайланған мәҡәлә}}
{{Государственный деятель
| имя = Адольф Гитлер
| оригинал имени = {{lang-de|Adolf Hitler}}
| изображение = Bundesarchiv Bild 183-H1216-0500-002, Adolf Hitler.jpg
| описание изображения =
| ширина =
| должность = Өсөнсө Рейх рейхсканцлеры [[Германия]]
| флаг = Standarte Adolf Hitlers.svg
| период правления = [[30 ғинуар]] [[1933]] — [[30 апрель]] [[1945]]
| предшественник = [[Шлейхер Курт фон|Курт фон Шлейхер]]
| преемник = [[Геббельс Пауль Йозеф|Пауль Йозеф Геббельс]]
| должность_2 = Өсөнсө Рейх фюреры
| флаг_2 = Standarte Adolf Hitlers.svg
| период правления_2 = [[8 август]] [[1934]] — [[30 апрель]] [[1945]]<br /><small>([[1934]] йылдың [[2 август]]ынан вазифа башҡарыусы )</small>
| предшественник_2 = вазифа раҫланған<br />[[Гинденбург Пауль фон|Пауль фон Гинденбург]] ([[Рейхспрезидент]])
| преемник_2 = вазифа бөтөрөлгән<br />[[Дёниц Карл|Карл Дёниц]] ([[Рейхспрезидент]])
| должность_3 = Рейхсштатгальтер [[Пруссия]]
| флаг_3 = Flag of Prussia 1933.svg
| период правления_3 = [[30 ғинуар]] [[1933]] — [[30 ғинуар]] [[1935]]
| премьер_3 = [[Папен Франц фон|Франц фон Папен]]<br />[[Геринг Герман Вильгельм|Герман Геринг]]
| предшественник_3 = вазифа раҫланған
| преемник_3 = [[Геринг Герман Вильгельм|Герман Геринг]]
| должность_4 = [[НСДАП]]-ың 3-сө рейесе (Фюреры)
| флаг_4 = NSDAP_Alte_Garde.svg
| период правления_4 = [[29 июль]] [[1921]] — [[30 апрель]] [[1945]]
| предшественник_4 = [[Дрексле, Антон|Антон Дрекслер]]
| преемник_4 = вазифа бөтөрөлә<br /> [[Мартин Борман]] (фирҡә эштәре буйынса министр булараҡ)
| дата рождения = 20.04.1889
| место рождения = [[Рансхофен]], {{МестоРождения|Браунау-на-Инне|Австрияла}} [[Верхняя Австрия]], Австро-Венгрия
| дата смерти = 30.04.1945
| место смерти = {{МестоСмерти|Берлин|Берлинда}}, [[Өсөнсө рейх]]
| партия = [[Файл:Parteiadler der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (1933–1945) (andere).svg|25px]] [[НСДАП]]
| похоронен = [[Магдебург]]та [[СССР эске эштәр буйынса Халыҡ комиссариаты|НКВД]] базаһы территорияһында йәшеоен ерләнгән , [[1970]] йылда мәйете яндырылып [[Эльба (йылға)|Эльбой]] өҫтөнән һибелгән
| отец = [[Алоис Гитлер]]
| мать = [[Клара Гитлер]]
| супруга = [[Ева Браун]]
| дети = [[Жан-Мари Лоре]] (предположительно)
| годы службы = [[1914]]—[[1918]]
| принадлежность = {{Флаг Германской империи}} [[Германия империяһы]]
| род войск = пехота
| звание = ефрейтор
| командовал =
| сражения = [[Беренсе бөтә донъя һүғышы]]
| автограф = Signatur Adolf Hitler.svg
| автограф = Hitler_Signature2.svg
| викисклад = Adolf Hitler
| награды = {{{!}} style="background: transparent"
{{!}} {{Железный крест 1-го класса}} {{!!}} {{Железный крест 2-го класса}} {{!!}} {{Нагрудный знак За ранение в чёрном}}
{{!}} {{Золотой партийный знак НСДАП}} {{!!}} {{Медаль «В память 9 ноября 1923»}} {{!!}} {{Почётный крест ветерана войны}}
'''Адо́льф Һи́тлер''' ({{lang-de|Adolf Hitler}} {{IPA|[ˈaːdɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ]}}; (20 апрель, 1889, Рансһофен ауылы<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/society/2011/07/110708_hitler_honorary_citizen.shtml Город в Австрии лишил Гитлера почетного гражданства]</ref> (хәҙер — Иннелағы Браунау ҡалаһы өлөшө), Австро-Венгрия — 30 апрель, 1945, [[Берлин]], [[Германия]]) — милли-социализмға нигеҙ һалыусы һәм уның төп фигураһы, Өсөнсө Рейхта тоталитар диктатураны башлаусы, Милли-социалистик немец эшселәр фирҡәһе юлбашсыһы (фюреры), (1921—1945)<ref>29 июля 1921 года был избран 1-м председателем НСДАП, фюрер с ноября 1921 года [http://www.nmt-journal.com/arch/files/W/2008_4/2008_4_Pages_54-63.pdf ], Новая медицина тысячелетия, 4/2008).</ref>, Германия рейхсканцлеры (1933—1945), Германия фюреры (1934—1945), [[Икенсе бөтә донъя һуғышы]]нда Германия ҡораллы көстәренең (1941, 19 декабрҙән) юғарғы башлығы.
Һитлер Икенсе донъя һуғышын төп ойоштороусы булып һанала, нацистик режимдың Германия һәм баҫып алынған территорияларҙа, Холокосты ла ҡушып, бик күп вәхшилектәре уның исеме менән бәйле.
== Биографияһы ==
=== Фамилияһының этимологияһы ===
Билдәле немец филологы, ономастика буйынса белгес Макс Готтшальд (1882—1952) фекеренсә, «Һитлер» фамилияһы (Hittlaer, Hiedler) Hütler («ҡарауылсы», ихтимал, "урман ҡарауылсыһы"лыр, Waldhütter)<ref>Deutsche Namenkunde: Unsere Familiennamen nach ihrer Entstehung und Bedeutung. München-Berlin, 1942. S. 276.</ref> тигәнгә тап килә.
=== Нәҫеле (шәжәрәһе) ===
Атаһы — Алоис Һитлер (1837—1903). Әсәй — Клара Һитлер (1860—1907), ҡыҙ саҡта — Пёльцль.
Алоис, тыума булараҡ, 1876 йылға тиклем әсәһе Мария Анна Шикльгрубер ({{lang-de|Schicklgruber}}) фамилияһында йөрөй Алоисҡа биш тулғанда Мария Шикльгрубер тирмәнсе Йоһанн Георга Һидлерға (Hiedler) кейәүгә сыға. Үҙ йорто ла булмаған бер фәҡир була ул. 1876 йылда 3 шаһит 1857 йылда үлеп ҡалған Гидлер Алоистың атаһы ине тип шәһәҙәтлек бирәләр, шулай итеп фамилиялы була. Фамилияның «Һитлер» тип яҙыла башлауы «Тыуыусыларҙы теркәү кенәгәһендә» яҙған кешенең хата ебәреүе арҡаһындалыр тип фараз итәләр . Хәҙерге тикшеренеүселәр Алоистың атаһы Гидлер түгел, ә уның малайҙы өйөнә алып тәрбиләгән ағаһы Йоһанн Непомук Һюттлер тигән фекер белдерәләр<ref name="Вернер Мазер">''Вернер Мазер'' . Адольф Гитлер. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 1998. — 608 с. — (След в истории). </ref><ref>{{cite book|author=Alan Bullock|title =Hitler: a Study in Tyranny|publisher=Harper & Raw|location=[[Нью-Йорк|New York]]|language=en}} {{ref-en}}</ref>.
Адольф Һитлер иһә 1920-се йылдарҙан таралып, хатта ҘСЭ-ның<ref>{{Из|БСЭ|http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/bse/article/00018/73600.htm|заглавие=Гитлер Адольф}}</ref> 3-сө баҫмаһына инеп киткән Шикльгрубер<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/06/opinion/l-hitler-never-really-was-schicklgruber-016390.html|title=Hitler Never Really Was Schicklgruber|last=Davin|first=Eric Leif|date=6 мая 1990|publisher=[[The New York Times]]|accessdate=2010-04-25|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/618xdyuTU|archivedate=2011-08-23}} {{ref-en}}</ref><ref name="shearer16">''Ширер, У.'' Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха. — Т. 1. — С. 16.</ref> фамилияһын бер ваҡытта ла йөрөтмәгән.
1885 йылдың 7 ғинуарында Алоис үҙенең ҡәрендәше Клара Пёльцлгә өйләнә (Йоһанн Непомук Һюттлерҙың ейәнсәренә) . Был уның 3-сө никахы була. Клараға туғанлыҡ арҡаһында Алоисҡа уға өйләнеү өсөн Ватикандан рөхсәт алырға тура килә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/><ref>''Ширер, У.'' Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха. — Т. 1. — С. 18.</ref>. Клара Алоистан 6 бала таба, Адольф өсөнсө була.
Һитлер ғаиләһендәге был хәлдәрҙе белгән, шуға ла ата-әсәһе тураһында бик әҙ генә мәғлүмәт бирә торған булған, ә башҡаларҙан нәҫелен документтар менән раҫлауҙы талап иткән. 1921 йылдан сығышын һәр саҡ йәшереберәк торған. Әсәһен генә йыш телгә алған. Атаһы яғынан нәҫелен күрһәтергә яратмауы арҡаһында австрия тарихсыһы Рудольф Коппенштайнером австрия шағиры Роберт Һамерлиң<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> менән туған булыуын бер кемгә лә әйтмәгән (улар Йоһанн Непомуктан туралай киткән нәҫел).
Адольфтың олаталары Шикльгруберҙар яғынан да, Һитлерҙар яғынан да крәҫтиән булған. Атаһы ғына дәүләт чиновнигы булып киткән.
Бала саҡ ерҙәренән Һитлер ата-әсәһе ерләнгән Леондиңда, әсәһе яғынан туғандары йәшәгән Шпиталдә һәм Линца ғына булырға яратҡан. Бында ул юлбашсы булғас та килеп торған<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
=== Бала сағы ===
[[Файл:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1989-0322-506, Adolf Hitler, Kinderbild.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Гитлер бала сағында. (1889/1890)]]
[[Файл:Hitlers Geburtshaus Braunau am Inn.jpg|thumb|right|200px| А. Гитле 1889 йылда тыуған йорт. Буласаҡ диктатор өс йәшенә тиклем йәшәгән. Браунау-на-Инне (Австрия). Фотография, 1934 г. Йорт хәҙерге көнгә тиклем һаҡланған.]]
Адольф Һитлер Австрияла, Инналағы Браунау ҡалаһында, 1889 йылдың 20 апрелендә 18 сәғәт 30 минутта «Померанец янында» тигән ҡунаҡханала тыуа. Ике көндән Адольф тип исем бирәләр. Һитлер әсәһенә бик оҡшаған булған. 29 йәшлек әсәһе уға тиклем 3 балаһын юғалтҡан була, улын бик ярата.
1892 йылға тиклем Бранауҙағы шул уҡ ҡунаҡханала йәшәйҙәр. Адольфтан башҡа атаһының икенсе ҡатынынан балалары Алоиз менән Ангела ла улар менән бергә йәшәгән. 1892 йылдаң авгусында атаһы юғарыраҡ дәрәжәгә күсерелә, улар Пассауҙа йәшәй башлай.
[не паказваць]
1895 йылдың апрелендә ғаилә Линцҡа күсенә. 1 майҙа Адольф Фишльһамдағы бер йыллыҡ халыҡ мәктәбенә һабаҡҡа төшә. 25 июндә атаһы көтмәгәндәсәләмәтлеге арҡаһында ваҡытынан алда пенсияға сыға. 1895 йылдың июлендә ғаилә Һафельд тигән урынға күсенә, бында 38 мең кв.м.ере булған йорт һатып алалар.
Башланғыс синыфтарҙа Адольф яҡшы уҡый. 1939 йылда Һитлер Фишльһамдағы үҙе уҡып-яҙырға өйрәнгән мәктәпте һатып ала һәм янында яңы мәктәп төҙөргә бойороҡ бирә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
1896 йылдың 21 ғинуарында һеңлеһе [[Паула]] тыуа. Уны бик ярата һәм һәр саҡ ярҙам күрһәтеп тора<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
Сачыце за Беларускай Вікіпедыяй на Facebook icon.svg Facebook, Twitter.svg Twitter і V Kontakte Russian V.png У Кантакце!
1896 йылда Һитлер Ламбахтағы иҫке католик монастыренең икенсе синыфынауҡырға бара, 1898 йылға тиклем шунда уҡый Тик яҡшы баһаға ғына өлгәшә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>. Хорҙа йырлай һәм месса ваҡытында руханиға ярҙамсы була. Шунда ул тәүге тапҡыр гербта свастика күрә Үҙ канцелярияһында ул аҙаҡтан ағастан шундай уҡ свастика эшләтеп ала<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
Үҙе менән һыйышмай, Алоиз өйҙән сығып киткәс, атаһы Адольфты туҡтауһыҙ контролдә тота, сөнки ул да ағаһына оҡшап эшлекһеҙ булып үҫер тип ҡурҡа<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
1897 йылдың ноябрендә Леондиңда өй һатып алып, 1898 йылда шунда күсенәләр<ref name="fromm">[[Эрих Фромм]], «Анатомия человеческой деструктивности», Глава 13.</ref>.
Паўль фон Гіндэнбург
Адольф өсөнсө тапҡыр мәктәбен алмаштырып, дүртенсе синыфҡа уҡырға бара. Бында 1900 йылдың сентябренә тиклем уҡый.
1900 йылда Эдмунд ҡустыһы үлгәс, Адольф [[Клара Һитлер]]ҙың берҙән-бер улы булып ҡала.
Тап бына Леондиңда атаһының йоғонтоһонда Һитлер сиркәүгә өнәмәй ҡарай башлай<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
1900 йылдың сентябрендә Адольф Линцтағы дәүләт реаль мәктәбенең реальной школы беренсе синыфына бара. Ауыл мәктәбенән һуң малайға бында оҡшамай. Ему лишь нравилось проходить расстояние от дома до школы длиной в 6 км<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>. Саҡырым үтеп мәктәпкә йөрөү генә оҡшай уға.
Шул ваҡыттан Адольф үҙенә оҡшаған фәндәрҙе — тарихты, географияны һәм бигерәк тә рәсемде генә өйрәнә. Ҡалғандарын һанламай.
Һөҙөмтәлә күсмәй ултырып ҡала<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/><ref name="autogenerated1">''Фест И.'' Том 1. — Глава I. — С. 30.</ref>.
На гэтай старонцы паказваюцца неправераныя зменыНеправераная
=== Үҫмерлек һәм йәшлек йылдары ===
[[Файл:Гитлер 1900 г. в центре.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Гитлер (уртала) синыфташтары менән. 1900 йыл.]]
13 йәшендә, Адольф реаль мәктәптең икенсе синыфында уҡығанда, кинәт атаһы үлә. Атаһы менән мөнәсәбәттәре яҡшынан булмаһа ла, Адольф уны бик яратҡан була, табут янында тыйылмай илай<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
Перайсці да: рух, знайсці
Әсәһе үтенгәнгә генә мәктәпкә йөрөй, әммә атаһы ҡушҡанса чиновник түгел, ә рәссам булырға ҡарар итә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>. 1903 йылдың яҙында Линцтағы ятаҡҡа күсеп йәшәй башлай. Дәрестәргә йүнләп йөрөмәй.
15 йәшендә өсөнсө синыфты тамамлағанда, 1904 йылдың 22 майында Линцта уныңконфирмацияһы була. Был ваҡытҡа ул пьеса, шиғырҙар һәм новелла, шулай уҡ Вагнерҙың операһына либретто, увертюра<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> яҙған була.
1904 йылдың көҙөндә француз теле буйынса имтиханын ике тапҡыр барып саҡ тапшыра, унан икенсе мәктәпкә барып уҡырға вәғәҙә алалар, сөнки йүнләп өлгәшмәй<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>. Ул ҡыҙыу, үҙ һүҙле, тыңлауһыҙ була. Күптәрҙең әйтеүенсә, йәш сағынан уҡ психопатик һыҙаттары күренеп тора<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
1904 йылдың сентябрендә Һитлер Штейрҙағы дәүләт реаль мәктәбенә дүртенсегә бара һәм унда 1905 йылға тиклем уҡый. Ул йәшәгән фатир урамын аҙаҡ Адольф Гитлерплац<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> тип атайҙар.
1905 год йылдың февралендә Адольф реаль мәктәптең дүртенсе синыфын тамалау тураһында танытма ала, унда баһалары бик хөрт була.
1905 йылдың сентябрендә Адольф әсәһенең үтенесе буйынса дүртенсе синыфты бөткән танытмаһындағы насар баһаларҙы төҙәтеп, яңыны алыр өсөн ҡабаттан дүртенсегә бара<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
Әммә шул мәлдә үпкәһе шешеп ауырып китә һәм табибтар уҡыуын ташлап торорға кәңәш итәләр. Әсәһе Адольфты Шпиталгә туғандарына алып барып ҡуя.
Әсәһендә яман шеш табалар һәм операция эшләйҙәр. Уның хәле бер аҙ яҡшырғас, 18 йәшендә Һитлер Венаға дөйөм художество академияһына уҡырға инергә бара, әммә икенсе турҙан уҙа алмай. Шулай ҙа ректор менән осрашыуға өлгәшә, һәм тегеһе уға архитектура менән шөғөлләнергә кәңәш итә<ref>Mein Kampf, Глава 2</ref>.
1907 ноябрендә һитлер Линцҡа ҡайтып, ауырыу әсәһен ҡарай. 1907 йылдың 21 декабрендә әсәһе үлә, 23 декабрҙә Адольф уны атаһы янында ерләй.
1908 йылдың февралендә туғандарына мираҫ мәсьәләләрен хәл итеп, Венаға юллана.
1908 йылда Һитлер шул уҡ художество академияһына имтихан биреп ҡарай, был юлы өсөнсө турҙа үтмәй. Бынан һуң ул адресын йәшереп төрлө урындарҙа йәшәй, армияла «чехтар һәм йәһүдтәр» менән бергә хеҙмәт иткеһе килмәй, әммә герман рейхы<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> өсөн йәнен бирергә әҙер була. Рәссам булып эшкә урынлаша, 1909 йылда яҙыусылыҡҡа инә.
1909 йылда Рейнгольд Ганиш тигән кеше менән таныша. Ул Адольфтың картиналарын һата. 1910 йылдың авгусында Һитлер полиция комиссариатына Ганиш өҫтөнән ялыу яҙа — бер картинамды урланы, аҡсамды биреп еткермәне, тип яҙа. Ганишты ете көнгә ултыртып ҡуялар. Картиналарын үҙе һата башлай. Табыш күп килә һәм ул етем булараҡ пенсияһынан һеңлеһе Паула файҙаһына баш тарта. Бынан тыш туған апаһы Йоһанна Пельц<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> уға мираҫ ҡалдыра.
Ниһайәт, Һитлерҙа белем алырға теләк уяна, күп уҡый.
Артабан ул французса ла, инглизсә лә тәржемәсеһеҙ фильмдар ҡарай, гәзит-китаптар уҡый. Тарих, төрлө армияларҙың ҡоралдары һ.б. мәғлүмәттәрҙе бик яҡшы белә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
1913 йылда, 24 йәшендә [[Мюнхен]]ға китәһәм шунда фатирға турынлаша. Беренсе донъя һуғышы башланғанға тиклем шунда рәссам булып эшләй.
1913 йылдың 29 декабрендә австрия полицияһы Мюнхенға Һитлерҙы табып биреүҙе һорап мөрәжәғәт итә. . 1914 йылдың 19 ғинуарында мюнхен полицияһы уны австрия консуллығына килтерә. Зальцбургта комиссия үткәндә уны хәрби хеҙмәткә яраҡһыҙ тип таныйҙар.
=== Беренсе бөтә донъя һуғышында ҡатнашлығы ===
1914 йылдың 1 авгусында Беренсе бөтә донъя һуғышы башлана. Һитлер шатланып, тиҙ генә Людвиг III Бавария армияһында хеҙмәт итергә рөхсәт һорап яҙа. Рөхсәт алғас, Ул 16-сы резерв полкын һайлай.
1914 йылдың октябрендә Көнбайыш фронтҡа ебәрелә, тиҙ үк Изер, Ипр буйында һуғышта ҡатнаша.
1914 йылдың 1 ноябрендә ефрейтор званиеһы бирелә.Фландриялағы алыштан һуң 1914 йылдың 2 декабрендә икенсе дәрәжә Тимер тәре менән бүләкләнә.
Һуғыштарҙа туранан-тура даими ҡатнаша. Беелицала лазаретҡа эләгә. Госпиталдән сыҡҡас, (март, 1917 йыл) 1-се резерв батальонының 2-се ротаһына ҡайта.
1917 йылда — Аррас,Артуа, Фландрия, Юғары Эльзас. 1917 йылдың 17 сентябрендә III дәрәжә хәнйәрле Тәре менән бүләкләнә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
1918 — Францияла бөйөк һуғыш, Эвр, Мондидье. 9 май,1918 йыл — Фонтане янындағы батырлығы өсөн полк дипломы. 18 майҙа — яралылар отличиеһы билдәһе бирелә(ҡара төҫлө). Суассон, Реймс, Уаза, Марна, Эна. Бик ауыр шарттарҙа доненсение килтереп еткереп, пехотаны ҡотҡарған өсөн беренсе дәрәжә Тимер тәре менән наградланған<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
21—23 август, 1918 йыл — Монси-Бап яуында һуғыш.
25 август, 1918 йыл — хеҙмәт өсөн III дәрәжә награда<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
15 октябрь, 1918 йыл — Ла Монтень янында химик снаряд төшөп ярылып, газ менән ағыулана. Бер аҙға күреү һәләтен юғалта. Госпиталдә дауаланғанда Германияның еңелеүен, кайзерҙың ҡолатылыуын ишетеп, быны бик ауыр кисерә.
Molly Price
=== НСДАП төҙөү ===
1919 йылда Мюнхенға ҡайтҡас, Һитлерҙы агитаторҙар курсына ебәрәләр (''Vertrauensmann''). Фронттан ҡайтҡан һалдаттарҙы большевиктарға ҡаршы өгөтләргә өйрәтәләр. Лекторҙар күпселектә ультрауң ҡарашлы була. Улар араһында НСДАП-тың буласаҡ иҡтисади теоретигы Готфрид Федер ҙә була<ref>{{книга|автор=Davidson, Eugene.|заглавие=The making of Adolf Hitler: the birth and rise of Nazism|ссылка=http://books.google.ru/books?id=JagUZcri3s8C&pg=PA13&pg=PA124|издательство=University of Missouri Press|год=1997|pages=124|allpages=419|isbn=978-0-8262-1117-0}}{{ref-en}}</ref>.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Бер дискуссия ваҡытында Һитлер ялҡынлы антисемит монологы менән рейхсверҙың 4-се Бавария командованиеһы агитация бүлеге етәксеһенә оҡшап төшә, уға армия масштабында сәйәси функция тәҡдим итә<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
блиотека была явно антисемитского содержания, что наложило глубокий след на убеждения Гитлера<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
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1919 йылдың 12 сентябрендә Адольф Һитлер Немец эшсе фирҡәһе ултырышына килә(ДАП)  Һитлер пангерманистик ҡараштан бик оҫта сығыш яһап, фирҡәгә инергә тәҡдим ала<ref>{{книга|автор=Davidson, Eugene.|заглавие=The making of Adolf Hitler: the birth and rise of Nazism|ссылка=http://books.google.ru/books?id=JagUZcri3s8C&pg=PA13&pg=PA126|издательство=University of Missouri Press|год=1997|pages=126|allpages=419|isbn=978-0-8262-1117-0}}{{ref-en}}</ref>. Һитлер тиҙ үк тотош фирҡәнең бар эшмәкәрлегенә йоғонто яһай башлай<ref>''Heiden, Konrad.'' A history of national socialism. P. 12. {{ref-en}}</ref>.
1920 йылдың 1 апреленә тиклем Һитлер рейхсверҙа хеҙмәт итә. 1920 24 февралендә фирҡә ултырышында Дрекслер, Федер менән берлектә 25 пункттан торған программа тәҡдим итә, ул нацистик фирҡәнең программаһына әйләнә<ref>{{ref-en}} ''Heiden, K.'' A history of national socialism. P. 20.</ref>.
Һитлерҙың тәҡдиме буйынса фирҡә Немец милли-социалистик эшсе фирҡә (немец транскрипцияһында НСДАП) тип атала башлай. Сәйәси публицистикала ''На́ци'' тип атай башлайҙар<ref>Ширер, У. Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха. Т. 1. С. 71—73.</ref>.
Фирҡә эсендә конфликттар була. Һитлер хатта ултырып та сыға. 1923 йылдың 27 ғинуарында Һитлер НСДАП-тың тәүге съезын үткәрә; 5000 штурмовик Мюнхен буйлап марш менән үтә.
=== «Һыра фетнәһе» ===
[[Файл:Hitler as young man.jpg|right|150px|thumb|Гитлер 20-се йылдарҙа]]
1920-се йылдар башына НСДАП Баварияла танылыу ала. Штурм отрядтары (немецса ҡыҙҡаса — СА) башында Эрнст Рём тора. Һитлер тиҙ үк бик йоғонтоло кешегә әүерелә.
1923 йылда Германияла Рурҙы француздар баҫып алыуы менән бәйле кризис башлана. Нацистар Бавария етәкселегендә торған уң консерватор-сепаратистар менән берләшеп, Берлиндағы социал-демократик хөкүмәткә ҡаршы сығырға өндәй. Әммә Берлиндағы Генераль штабтың ҡаты ҡаршы тора, һәм Бавария лидерҙары (Кар, Лоссов и Сейсер) ҡаушап ҡала, һитлерға әле Берлинға ҡаршы сыҡмаясаҡтарын белдерә.
1923 йылдың 8 ноябрендә 9 сәғәттә Һитлер һәм Эрих Людендорф штурмовиктарын эйәртеп, Карр, Лоссов һәм Сейсер үткәргән митингыға килеп инәләр (Мюнхенда, «Бюргербройкеллер» һыраханаһында). Эскә ингәс, һитлер «Берлиндағы хыянатсылар хөкүмәтен ҡолатыу» тураһында хәбәр һала. Мәгәр бавар лидерҙары сығып китә, шунан һуң Карр НСДАП-ты һәм штурм отрядтарын ябыу тураһында прокломация сығара.
This biographical article needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. (March 2013)
9 ноябрь иртәһендә Гитлер һәм Людендорф 3 меңләп штурмовик менән оборона министерлығына юллана, әммә Резиденцштрассе урамында полиция туҡтатып, ут аса. Нацистар һәм улар яҡлылар мәйеттәрҙе һәм яралыларҙы алып, ҡасырға мәжбүр була. Германия тарихына эпизод «һыра фетнәһе» булып инеп ҡалған.
1924 йылдың февраль — мартында фетнә башлыҡтарын хөкөм итәләр. Суд Һитлерға дәүләткә хыянаты өсөн 5 йыл төрмә бирә һәм 200 алтын марка штраф һала. Әммә 9 айҙан уны иреккә сығаралар[82].
=== Власҡа үрләүе ===
[[Файл:Bundesarchiv Bild 102-13774, Adolf Hitler.jpg|right|150px|thumb|Гитлер — оратор, 30-сы йылдар башы]]
Molly Price
Лидер юҡта фирҡә тарҡала, Һитлерға эште өр-яңынан башларға тура килә. НСДАП-ты тиҙ үк Баварияла ғына түгел, дөйөм милләт сәйәси көсөнә әйләндереүгә өлгәшә.
1925 йылда Һитлер Австрия гражданлығынан баш тарта һәм 1932 йылдың февраленә тиклем гражданлыҡһыҙ була.
Born Molly Evan Price
1930—1945 — СА-ның иң юғарғы фюреры.
December 15, 1966 (age 48)
1932 йылда Һитлер Германияның рейхспрезиденты булып һайланырға ҡарар итә. 25 февралдә эске эштәр министры Брауншвейг уны Берлинда үҙенең вәкиллегендә атташе итеп тәғәйенләй. Һитлерға был үҙлегенән немец гражданлығы бирә һәм һайлауҙа ҡатнашырға мөмкинлек тыуа<ref>''Ширер, У.'' Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха. Т. 1. С. 228—229.</ref>. Һитлер һайлауҙа үтә алмай, әммә пропагандала яңы алымдар уйлап сығара, тәжрибә туплай<ref>''Ширер, У.'' Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха. Т. 1. С. 230—231.</ref>.
North Plainfield, New Jersey, U.S.
4 июнь, 1932 йыл — Рейхстаг таратыла. Киләһе айҙағы һайлауҙа НСДАП ышаныслы еңә, (37,8 % тауыш) Икенсе урында — социал-демократы — 21,9 %.
Occupation Actress
6 ноябрь, 1932 — рейхстагҡа һайлау яңынан үткәрелә. НСДАП-тан рейхстагҡа тәүге 230 урынына 196 депутат үтә .
Years active 1991–present
3 декабрь, 1932 — Рейхсканцлер итеп Курт фон Шлейхер тәғәйенләнә.
Spouse(s) Derek Kelly (2001-present)
=== Рейхсканцлер һәм дәүләт башлығы ===
Children Jake Kelly (b. 2003)
==== Эске сәйәсәте ====
[[Файл:Adolf Hitler-1933.jpg|right|150px|thumb|Һитлер 1933 йылда]]
1933 йылдың 30 ғинуарында президент Һинденбург Һитлерҙы рейхсканцлер (хөкүмәт башлығы) итеп тәғәйенләй<ref>Kershaw, Ian. ''Hitler, 1936-45: nemesis'' , 2001. {{ref-en}}</ref> 27 февралдә парламентта — Рейхстагта ут сыға. Коммунист Маринус ван дер Люббены ғәйепләйҙәр. Әлеге көндә быны нацистар әҙерләгәне иҫбатланған, Карла Эрнст — башҡарыусы<ref>''Ширер, У.'' Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха. Т. 1. С. 280—281.</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/1310995/Historians-find-proof-that-Nazis-burnt-Reichstag.html|title=Historians find 'proof' that Nazis burnt Reichstag|last=Paterson|first=T.|date=15 апреля 2001|publisher=[[The Daily Telegraph]]|accessdate=2010-06-19|lang=en|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/618xeVbb6|archivedate=2011-08-23}}</ref>. Һитлер Коммунистик фирҡәне власты тартып алырға ынтылыуҙа ғәйепләй һәм конституцияның ете статьяһын туҡтатып, хөкәмәткә ғәҙәттән тыш вәкәләттәр алыуға өлгәшә.
Molly Evan Price (born December 15, 1966) is an American actress.
Парламент яныуын сәбәп итеп нацистар дәүләтте ҡаты контролгә ала. Коммунистик, унан социал-демократик фирҡәләр тыйыла. Ҡайһы бер фирҡәләр үҙҙәре тарала. Профсоюздар бөтөрөлә, мөлкәте нацистик эшсе фронтҡа бирелә. Яңы власҡа ҡаршылар судһыҙ-ниһеҙ концентрацион лагерҙарға оҙатыла.
1934 йылдың 2 августында президент Гинденбург үлә. Плебесцит һөҙөмтәһендә президентлыҡ бөтөрөлә, вәкәләттәре «Фюрер һәм Рейхсканцлер» булараҡ, Һитлерға тапшырыла (''Führer und Reichskanzler''). Эти действия получили одобрение 84,6 % электората<ref>{{ref-en}} Fest Joachim. ''Hitler'' . New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974, стр. 476</ref>. Һитлер Иң юғарғы баш командующий булып китә, ғәскәриҙәр уға ант эсә<ref>{{ref-en}} Alan Bullock. ''A. Hitler. '' ''A Study in Tyranny'', стр. 309</ref>.
Һитлер етәкселегендә эшһеҙлек бөтә. Халыҡҡа социаль ярҙам арта. Мәҙәни һәм спорт саралары күпләп үткәрелә. Беренсе донъя һуғышында еңелгән өсөн реванш рухында сәнәғәт аяҡҡа баҫтырыла, халыҡ араһында эш алып барыла.
Һитлер антисемитизмды алға һөрә. Йәһүдтәрҙе һәм сиғандарҙы эҙәрлекләй башлайҙар<ref>{{cite web|author=Завадский М.|datepublished=6 июня 2011|url=http://www.jewish.ru/history/facts/2011/06/news994297114.php|title=Молодой Гитлер решил «еврейский вопрос»|format=|work=Jewish.ru|publisher=[[Федерация еврейских общин России|ФЕОР]]|accessdate=2011-7-16|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/618xfsTEU|archivedate=2011-08-23}}</ref>.
Contents [hide] 1 Personal life 2 Career 3 References 4 External links
==== Территорияларға экспансия башланыу ====
[[Файл:Deutschesreich1939fr.jpg|thumb|250px|Өсөнсө рейх — 1939 йылда. Күк төҫ н. «Элекке рейх»; зәңгәр — земли, присоединённые в 1938 йылда ҡушылған ерҙәр г.; аҡһыл-зәңгәр — Богемия һәм Моравия Протектораты]]
Һитлер тиҙ үк Германияның Версаль килешеүенән сығыуын белдерә, сөнки ул Германияның һуғыш алып барыу мөмкинлектәрен сикләй. Йөҙ меңлек рейхсвер миллионлы вермахтҡа әйләнә,танк ғәскәрҙәре булдырыла һәм хәрби авиация тергеҙелә. Ғәскәрһеҙ Рейн зонаһы бөтөрөлә.
1936—1939 Германия франкистарға Испаниялағы граждандар һуғышында ярҙам итә.
Personal life[edit]
1938 Австрия аннексиялана.
Price was born in North Plainfield, New Jersey, and graduated from North Plainfield High School in 1984.[1][2] She is a graduate of Rutgers University. She is married to a New York City Fire Department firefighter Derek Kelly. Their son, Jake, was born in November 2003.
1938 йылдың көҙө — Мюнхен килешеүе буйынса Чехословакияның бер өлөшө аннексиялана — (Судет өлкәһе рейхсгау).
Time журналы 1939 йылдың 2 ғинуар һанында Һитлера «1938 йыл кешеһе» тип атай<ref>{{ref-en}} [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,760539-1,00.html Man of the Year] Time.com Monday, Jan. 02, 1939</ref>.
Her television presence began with guest appearances on Law & Order. Price is primarily known for her role as Police Officer (and later, Detective) Faith Yokas in the NBC Crime Drama series Third Watch, which she starred in from 1999 to 2005. Her husband was a recurring guest star on Third Watch as an FDNY firefighter, and she described her experiences as a firefighter's wife during the show's special 9/11 episode, entitled "In Their Own Words."
1939 йылдың мартында Чехословакияның ҡалған өлөшө баҫып алына, шулай уҡ Литваның бер өлөшө аннексиялана (Мемель өлкәһе). Шунан Һитлер [[Польша|Польшаға]] яҫҡана башлай. Польшаның срюздаштары — Бөйөк Британия һәм Францияға был оҡшамай — конфликтҡа нигеҙ һалына
She had a small role in Woody Allen's Sweet and Lowdown, a supporting role in the psychological thriller Chasing Sleep, and has done theatrical work. She also appeared in two episodes of Sex and the City as Carrie Bradshaw's friend, Susan Sharon. She appeared on Without a Trace as agent Samantha Spade's sister, God's Pocket as Joanie, and very recently appeared in an episode of ER as a mother whose daughter was being abused by her youngest daughter. In 1992, she played a supporting role in the movie "Jersey Girl." Recent appearances include the 2007 version of Bionic Woman as Ruth Treadwell, one of the Bionic team members, and episodes of Eleventh Hour, The Mentalist, Person of Interest, Private Practice, and Shameless.
==== Икенсе донъя һуғышы ====
{{main|Икенсе бөтә донъя һуғышы}}
[[Файл:Hitler Polen Sep. 39 Josef Gierse.JPG|right|250px|thumb|Баҫып алынған Польшаға килеүе, 1939]]
In 2011, she guest starred in Body of Proof in the episode "All in the Family", and in 2012, she guest starred in Elementary in the episode "The Rat Race".
Был яҫҡаныуҙарға ҡаты яуап алғас, 1939 йылдың 3 апрелендә Һитлер Польшаға һөжүм планын раҫлай («Вайс» операцияһы).
1939 йылдың 23 авгусында Һитлер Советтар Союзы менән Һөжүм итмәү тураһында килешеү төҙөй. 1 сентябрҙә Глейвицта инцидент килеп сыға, шуны сәбәп итеп Польшаға һуғыш башлана. Икенсе бөтә донъя һуғышы тоҡана. Сентябрҙә Польшаны тар-мар итеп, Германия апрель-майҙа 1940 Норвегияны, Данияны, Һолландияны, Люксембургты һәм Бельгияны баҫып ала, Францияла фронт аса. Июндә Парижды алалар, Франция баш һала. 1941 йылдың яҙында Германия Грецияны һәм Югославияны яулай, ә 22 июндә СССР-ға һуғыш аса. Башта совет ғәскәрҙәре сигенә, еңелә.
1.Jump up ^ Rosenfeld, Megan. "Lady in Blue; Molly Price Is No Glamour Girl, but Her 'Third Watch' Cop Is Turning Some Heads", The Washington Post, January 2, 2001. Accessed February 26, 2011. "Price was born and raised in North Plainfield N.J. and she sounds like it." 2.Jump up ^ Morella, Nicole. "Attacks hit home - and heart - for `Third Watch' actress", Courier News (New Jersey), September 23, 2002. Accessed February 26, 2011. "The television star grew up in North Plainfield where her mother still lives. Price graduated from North Plainfield High School and enrolled at Rutgers."
Әммә 1942 йылдың ҡышынан немец армияһы СССР-ҙа ла (Сталинград), Мысырҙа ла (Әл-Аләм) еңелә башлай. Икенсе йылына Ҡыҙыл армия ныҡлы һөжүм башлай. инглиз-американ ғәскәрҙәр Италияла хәрәкәт башлап, көстө үҙҙәренә лә йәлеп итә. 1944 йылда советтерритория ерҙәре азат ителә, Ҡыҙыл Армия Польшаға һәм Балканға йүнәлә; инглиз-американ ғәскәрҙәр Францияның күп өлөшөн азат итә. 1945 йылдан һуғыш Рейх ерҙәрендә дауам итә.
External links[edit] Molly Price at the Internet Movie Database Movie Tome list of her films
==== Һитлерға һөжүм ====
8 ноябрь, 1939 йыл — «Бюргерброй» һыраханаһында сығыш яһағанда һөжүм яһайҙар. Трибуна аҫтындағы шартлатҡыстан 8 кеше үлә, 63 яралана. Һитлер шунан алда ғына сығыш яһап бөтөп, Берлинға юлға сыҡҡан була.
Быны эшләгән Эльзер тигән столяр тотола һәм ғәйебен таный. 1945 йылдың 9 апрелендә, ул ултырған концлагерға союздаштар яҡынлашҡас, Һиммлерҙың бойороғо буйынса Эльзерҙы аталар<ref>Энциклопедия для детей Аванта+. — Т. 1. Всемирная история. — 4-е издание, испр. и перераб. / Ред. коллегия: М. Аксёнова, Д. Володихин, О. Елисеева и др. — {{М.}}, 2007. — С. 582—583. — ISBN 5-98986-050-1.</ref>.
1944 йылдың 20 июлендә лә уны үлтереп, солох төҙөү маҡсаты менән үлтерергә йыйыналр.
Шартлауҙа 4 кеше һәләк була, һитлер тере ҡала. Еңел яралар ала һәм ваҡытлыса ишетеү һәләтен юғалта.
Authority control
Заговорҙа ҡатнашыусыларҙы Һитлерҙың бойороғо буйынса бик яфалап үлтерәләр, фотоға һәм фильмға төшөрәләр. Аҙаҡ ул шул фильмды гел ҡарай торған булған.
WorldCat ·
=== Һитлерҙың үлеме ===
VIAF: 16875675 ·
[[Файл:Stars & Stripes & Hitler Dead2.jpg|right|200px|thumb|«Һитлер үлек». Америка гәзите мәҡәләһенең башы]]
LCCN: no2001056881
Совет контрразведкаһы һәм союзниктар разведкаһы йыйған мәғлүмәттәр буйынса, 30 апрель, 1945 Берлинда Һитлер ҡатыны Ева Браун менән атылып үләләр. Ағыуланған тигән һүҙҙәр ҙә була. Ауыҙына ампула ҡабып атылған тигән фараздар ҙа бар. Әммә шаһиттар уның атылып үлеүен раҫлай.
Хеҙмәтселәре әйтеүенсә, Һитлер кәнистер менән бензин әҙерләп, үҙе тирәһендәгеләр менән бәхилләшеп, бүлмәгә инеп атыла. Мәйеттәрҙе бункер эргәһенә сығарып һалып, бензин һибеп яндыралар.
5 майҙа ерҙән сығып торған юрған мөйөшөн күреп ҡалып, мәйеттәрҙе табып алалар.
Донъяла әммә бункерҙа Гитлерҙың һәм ҡатынының «игеҙәктәре» атылған, ә фюрер ҡатыны менән Аргентинаға ҡасып китеп, үлгәнсә шунда йәшәгән тигән легендалар таралған<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.kp.ru/daily/25818/2796573/|title=Историки настаивают: Гитлер на девять лет пережил Сталина?|date=[[16 января]] [[2011]]|publisher=[[Комсомольская правда]]|accessdate=2010-08-13|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/65ArEN2Cf|archivedate=2012-02-03}}</ref>. Әммә фәнни ойошмалар быны кире ҡаға.
== Инаныстары һәм ғәҙәттәре ==
Һитлер 1931 йылдан үлгәнсә вегетариан булған.Һитлер ит ашауҙан ғына тыйылған тигән мәғлүмәттәр бар. Тәмәке тартыуҙы ла яратмай, нацистик Германияла быға ҡаршы көрәш бара.
Һитлер бик таҙалыҡ яратҡан. Тымаулы кешеләрҙән бик ҡурҡҡан. Фамильярлыҡты яратмаған<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> .
Кеше менән әҙ аралашҡан. Кәрәк кешеләр менән, тыңлаусандар менән генә эш алып барған. Хаттарында кешенең хәлен һорашмаған. Сит телдәрҙән һүҙҙәр ҡыҫтырырға яратҡан. Хатта һуғыш ваҡытында ла күп уҡыған<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/> .
== Ҡыҙыҡлы факттар ==
* Бер мәл Һитлер көтмәгәндә килеп ингәс, кәрт уйнап ултырған Ева Браундың һеңлеһе һүндереп өлгөрмәгән төпсөгөн тәмәке һауытына һалған да өҫтөнә менгән дә ултырған. Һитлер юрый эргәһенә килеп тороп, оҙаҡ итеп кәрт уйнау оҫталығына өйрәткән. Ҡайытп шуны һөйләгәндер, сөнки апаһы иртәгәһенә «осаңдағы күберсектәр нисек» икәнен белешкән<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
* Һитлер сығыштарын машинисткаға тураран-тура әйтеп тороп яҙҙырған. Ул сығыш яһағандағы кеүек хискә бирелеп, ялҡынлы телмәр тотҡанда ике машинистка саҡ яҙып өлгөргән. Шунан бер нисә сәғәт ултырып төҙәтә торған булған<ref name="Вернер Мазер"/>.
* 2012 йылдың ғинуарында фюрерҙың «Тҡнгҡ диңгеҙ» картинаһын аукционда 32 мең евроға һаталар<ref>[http://news.mail.ru/society/7948043/?frommail=1 һитлера картинаһы 32 мең евроға китте]</ref>.
* «Катакомбная церковь истинных православных христиан» тигән ойошма вәкилдәре Һитлерҙы «Атаульф Мюнхенский, великомученик Берлинский» тигән исем менән изгеләштерергә маташа<ref>Дмитрий Стешин. [http://www.kp.ru/daily/24389.3/567383/ Неканонические иконы: Можно ли молиться Ленину] // «Комсомольская правда» от 5 ноября 2009</ref>.
== Шулай уҡ ҡарағыҙ ==
* [[Икенсе бөтә донъя һуғышы]]
== Иҫкәрмәләр ==
== Әҙәбиәт ==
* {{книга|автор=[[Мазер, Вернер|Мазер, В]].|заглавие=Адольф Гитлер|издательство=Феникс|год=1998|страниц=608|isbn=5-222-004595-X}}
* {{книга|автор=[[Фест, Иоахим|Фест, И.]]|заглавие=Адольф Гитлер: в 3 т.|оригинал=Hitler|место=Пермь|издательство=Алетейя|год=1993|isbn=5-87964-005-1. — ISBN 5-87964-006-X (т. 1). — ISBN 5-87964-007-8 (т. 2). — ISBN 5-87964-008-6 (т. 3)}}
* {{книга|автор = [[Ширер, Уильям|Ширер, У.]]|заглавие = Взлёт и падение Третьего рейха: в 2 т.|оригинал = The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich|издание =|место = {{М.}}|издательство = Захаров|год = 2009|isbn=978-5-8159-0921-2 (т. 1). — ISBN 978-5-8159-0920-5 (т. 2)}}
* {{книга|автор=Heiden, K.|заглавие=A history of national socialism|ссылка=http://books.google.ru/books?id=qcQOAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false|издательство=Taylor & Francis|год=1934|allpages=1934|isbn=9780374937768}}
* {{книга|автор=Heiden, K.|заглавие=The Fuhrer: Hitler's Rise to Power |издательство=Basic Books|год=1999|allpages=624|isbn=0-7867-0683-X}}
* {{книга|автор=Welch, D.|заглавие=Hitler: profile of a dictator|ссылка=http://books.google.ru/books?id=3r9G5HOk6JMC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q&f=false|издательство=Routedge|год=2001|allpages=144|isbn=978-0-415-25075-7}}
* {{книга|автор=Аллан Буллок.|заглавие=Гитлер. Исследование тирании|издательство=|год=1952|страниц=|isbn=}}
* {{статья|автор=|заглавие=Последние дни Гитлера.|ссылка=http://razym.ru/main/109417-poslednie-dni-gitlera-vyrezka-iz-pyati-nomerov-gazety-pravda-dekabr-1947-g-yanvar-1948-g.html|издательство=свидетельства немецкого офицера Герхарда Больдта, Вырезка из пяти номеров газеты «Правда» |год=декабрь 1947 г., январь 1948 г.|страниц=}}
* ''Штайнерт М.'' Гитлер. / Пер. с фр. Е.Головиной. — М.: Этерна, 2010. — 672 с.: ил. — (Новая версия). — 3000 экз. — ISBN 978-5-480-00242-3
== Һылтанмалар ==
* [http://mars.wnec.edu/~grempel/courses/hitler/lectures.html Лекции по истории гитлеровской Германии]{{ref-en}}
* [http://naziart.narod.ru/main.html Живопись Третьего рейха] Картины работы Адольфа Гитлера
* ''Шрейбер Б.'' [http://www.toolan.com/Hitler/ «][http://www.toolan.com/Hitler/ Человек за спиной Гитлера» (на англ.) ][http://www.toolan.com/Hitler/ (Bernhard Schreiber «The Man Behind Hitler»)]
* ''Козлов В. А.'' [http://www.pseudology.org/Abel/Kozlov_Hitler01.htm Дело «Миф». ][http://www.pseudology.org/Abel/Kozlov_Hitler01.htm Расследование НКВД о самоубийстве Гитлера. ][http://www.pseudology.org/Abel/Kozlov_Hitler01.htm Часть 1.]
* [http://www.pseudology.org/Abel/Kozlov_Hitler02.htm То же, часть 2.]
* рисунки Гитлера [http://www.tyrant.ru/posters/figures_gallery.php ]
* [http://www.sudmed.ru/index.php?showtopic=432 Вскрытие трупа, приписываемого Гитлеру]
* [http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/bse/article/00018/73600.htm Большая советская энциклопедия]
* [http://www.vestnik.com/issues/2001/0703/win/berkovich.htm Евгений БЕРКОВИЧ «ТАЙНЫ ВИЛЛЫ ХАММЕРШТАЙНА»]
* Уильям Ширер. [http://www.zakharov.ru/component/option,com_books/task,book_details/id,379/Itemid,53/ Взлет и падение Третьего Рейха]: в 2 т. — М.: «Захаров», 2009. — ISBN 978-5-8159-0920-5
{{start box}}
{{succession box|before=[[Шлейхер, Курт фон|Курт фон Шлейхер]]|after=[[Геббельс, Пауль Йозеф|Йозеф Геббельс]]|title=Германия Рейхсканцлеры<br />([[Өсөнсө рейх]])|years=[[1933]]—[[1945]]}}
{{succession box|before=[[Гинденбург, Пауль фон|Пауль фон Гинденбург]]<br />(президент буларыҡ)|after=[[Карл Дёниц]]<br />(президент булараҡ)|title=Германия фюреры<sup>*</sup><br />([[Өсөнсө рейх]])|years=[[1934]]—[[1945]]}}
{{end box}}
<div style="font-size:85%"><sup>*</sup> В 1934—1945 пост рейхспрезидента Германии был объединён с постом рейхсканцлера. По закону от 2 августа 1934 года объединённый пост стал называться ''«фюрер и рейхсканцлер»'' (''«Der Führer und Reichskanzler»''). Титул «фюрер и рейхсканцлер Германской империи» он носил до конца 1938 года, а начиная с января 1939 года Гитлер именовался только как «фюрер». Тем не менее, в своём «Политическом завещании» от 29 апреля 1945 года он разделил этот пост и назначил на посты рейхспрезидента и рейхсканцлера разных лиц (Карла Дёница и Йозефа Геббельса).</div>
[[Категория:Адольф Гитлер]]
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[[Категория:Германия президентына кандидаттар]]
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[[Категория:Германия Рейхсканцлерҙары]]
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Categories: 1966 births Actresses from New Jersey American film actresses American stage actresses American television actresses Living people People from North Plainfield, New Jersey Rutgers University alumni
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Kanye West
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Kanye West
Kanye West Lollapalooza Chile 2011 2.jpg West performing at Lollapalooza in 2011
Born Kanye Omari West
June 8, 1977 (age 37)
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Residence Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Rapper ·
songwriter ·
record producer ·
director ·
fashion designer ·
Years active 1996–present
Home town Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Spouse(s) Kim Kardashian (m. 2014)
Children 1 Musical career
Genres Hip hop
Vocals ·
keyboards ·
sampler ·
percussion ·
Very GOOD Beats ·
Roc-A-Fella ·
Def Jam
Associated acts
Charlie Wilson ·
Child Rebel Soldier ·
Common ·
Go-Getters ·
Jay-Z ·
Kid Cudi ·
Mike Dean ·
Mos Def ·
No I.D. ·
Talib Kweli
Official website
Kanye Omari West (/ˈkɑːnjeɪ/; born June 8, 1977) is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, director, entrepreneur, and fashion designer. West first gained prominence as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records; he achieved recognition for his work on rapper Jay-Z's The Blueprint (2001), as well as hit singles for musical artists including Alicia Keys, Ludacris, and Janet Jackson. His style of production originally used high-pitched vocal samples from soul songs incorporated with his own drums and instruments. He later broadened his influences to include 1970s R&B, baroque pop, trip hop, arena rock, house, folk, alternative, electronica, synthpop, industrial, and classical music.
West was raised in a middle-class household in Chicago, Illinois, and began rapping in the third grade, becoming involved in the city's hip hop scene. West attended art school for one semester before dropping out to pursue music entirely in the late 1990s. Although his real desire was to become a rapper, record executives did not take West seriously, viewing him as a producer first and foremost. After being signed to Roc-A-Fella in 2002, West released his debut album The College Dropout in 2004 to commercial and critical acclaim. The baroque-inspired Late Registration followed in 2005, and Graduation in 2007. West switched rapping for singing on his emotive 2008 effort 808's & Heartbreak, and embraced maximalism on 2010's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Following several collaborations, West released his sixth album, Yeezus, in 2013.
West is one of the world's best-selling artists of all time, having sold more than 21 million albums and 66 million digital downloads.[1] He has won a total of 21 Grammy Awards, making him one of the most awarded artists of all-time and the most Grammy-awarded artist of his age.[2] Time has named West one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He has also been included in a number of Forbes annual lists.[3] Three of his albums rank on Rolling Stone's 2012 "the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list; two of West's albums feature at #8 and #1 respectively in Pitchfork Media's The 100 Best Albums of 2010-2014.[4]
West's background and style, from his debut album, deviated from the then-dominant "gangsta" persona in hip hop, and he would later alter the genre stylistically as rappers adopted his alternative aesthetic. An outspoken and controversial celebrity, West has often been the source of incidents at award shows. His interest in fashion has also attracted media attention and differentiates West from other artists. West runs his own record label GOOD Music and has directed several short films.
Contents [hide] 1 Early life 2 Music career 2.1 1996–2002: Career beginnings 2.2 2003–06: The College Dropout and Late Registration 2.3 2007–09: Graduation and 808s & Heartbreak 2.4 2010–12: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and collaborations 2.5 2013–present: Yeezus and upcoming seventh studio album
3 Other ventures 3.1 Business ventures 3.2 Fashion 3.3 Philanthropy
4 Artistry 5 Personal life 5.1 Relationships 5.2 Mother's death 5.3 Legal issues
6 Controversies 6.1 General media 6.2 Award shows 6.3 Allegedly anti-Semitic comments
7 Legacy and influence 8 Accolades 9 Discography 10 Videography 11 Filmography 11.1 Film 11.2 Television
12 Bibliography 13 References 14 External links
Early life
West moved to Chicago, Illinois at age three and became involved in its hip hop scene as a teen.
Kanye Omari West was born on June 8, 1977[5][6] in Atlanta, Georgia. His parents divorced when he was three and he and his mother moved to Chicago, Illinois.[7][8] His father is Ray West, a former Black Panther who was one of the first black photojournalists at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and later a Christian counselor,[8] and who opened the Good Water Store and Café in Lexington Park, Maryland in November 2006,[9] with startup capital from his son.[10] West's mother, Dr. Donda C. (Williams) West,[11][12] was a Professor of English at Clark Atlanta University, and the Chair of the English Department at Chicago State University before retiring to serve as West's manager. He was raised in a middle-class background, attending Polaris High School[13] in suburban Oak Lawn, Illinois after living in Chicago.[14] At age 10, Kanye moved with his mother to Nanjing, China, where she was teaching at Nanjing University as part of an exchange program. According to his mother, Kanye was the only foreigner in his class, but settled in well and quickly picked up the language, although he has since forgotten most of it.[15] When asked about his grades in high school, West replied, "I got A's and B's. And I'm not even frontin'."[16]
West demonstrated an affinity for the arts at an early age; he began writing poetry when he was five years old.[17] His mother recalled that she first took notice of West's passion for drawing and music when he was in the third grade.[18] Growing up in the city, West became deeply involved in its hip hop scene. He started rapping in the third grade and began making musical compositions in the seventh grade, eventually selling them to other artists.[19] At age thirteen, West wrote a rap song called "Green Eggs and Ham" and began to persuade his mother to pay $25 an hour for time in a recording studio. It was a small, crude basement studio where a microphone hung from the ceiling by a wire clothes hanger. Although this wasn't what West's mother wanted, she nonetheless supported him.[17] West crossed paths with producer/DJ No I.D., otherwise known as "The Godfather of Chicago Hip Hop", with whom he quickly formed a close friendship. No. I.D. soon became West's mentor, and it was from him that West learned how to sample and program beats after he received his first sampler at age 15.[20]
After graduating from high school, West received a scholarship to attend Chicago's American Academy of Art in 1997 and began taking painting classes, but shortly after transferred to Chicago State University to major in English. He soon realized that his busy class schedule was detrimental to his musical work, and at 20 he decided to drop out of college to pursue his musical dreams.[21] This action greatly displeased his mother, who was a professor at the university from which he withdrew. She later commented, "It was drummed into my head that college is the ticket to a good life... but some career goals don't require college. For Kanye to make an album called College Dropout it was more about having the guts to embrace who you are, rather than following the path society has carved out for you."[22]
Music career
1996–2002: Career beginnings
Kanye West began his early production career in the mid-1990s, making beats primarily for burgeoning local artists, eventually developing a style that involved speeding up vocal samples from classic soul records. His first official production credits came at the age of nineteen when he produced eight tracks on Down to Earth, the 1996 debut album of a Chicago rapper named Grav.[23] For a time, West acted as a ghost producer for Deric "D-Dot" Angelettie. Due to his association with D-Dot, West wasn't able to release a solo album, so he formed and became a member and producer of the Go-Getters, a late-1990s Chicago rap group composed of him, GLC, Timmy G, Really Doe, and Arrowstar.[24][25] His group was managed by John "Monopoly" Johnson, Don Crowley, and Happy Lewis under the management firm Hustle Period. After attending a series of promotional photo shoots and making some radio appearances, The Go-Getters released their first and only studio album World Record Holders in 1999. The album featured other Chicago-based rappers such as Rhymefest, Mikkey Halsted, Miss Criss, and Shayla G. Meanwhile, the production was handled by West, Arrowstar, Boogz, and Brian "All Day" Miller.[24]
West spent much of the late-1990s producing records for a number of well-known artists and music groups.[26] The third song on Foxy Brown's second studio album Chyna Doll was produced by West. Her second effort subsequently became the very first hip-hop album by a female rapper to debut at the top of the U.S. Billboard 200 chart in its first week of release.[26] West produced three of the tracks on Harlem World's first and only album The Movement alongside Jermaine Dupri and the production duo Trackmasters. His songs featured rappers Nas, Drag-On, and R&B singer Carl Thomas.[26] The ninth track from World Party, the last Goodie Mob album to feature the rap group's four founding members prior to their break-up, was co-produced by West with his manager Deric "D-Dot" Angelettie.[26] At the close of the millennium, West ended up producing six songs for Tell 'Em Why U Madd, an album that was released by D-Dot under the alias of The Madd Rapper; a fictional character he created for a skit on The Notorious B.I.G.'s second and final studio album Life After Death. West's songs featured guest appearances from rappers such as Ma$e, Raekwon, and Eminem.[26]
West got his big break in the year 2000, when he began to produce for artists on Roc-A-Fella Records. West came to achieve recognition and is often credited with revitalizing Jay-Z's career with his contributions to the rap mogul's influential 2001 album The Blueprint.[27] The Blueprint is consistently ranked among the greatest hip-hop albums, and the critical and financial success of the album generated substantial interest in West as a producer.[28] Serving as an in-house producer for Roc-A-Fella Records, West produced records for other artists from the label, including Beanie Sigel, Freeway, and Cam'ron. He also crafted hit songs for Ludacris, Alicia Keys, and Janet Jackson.[27][29][30][31]
Despite his success as a producer, West's true aspiration was to be a rapper. Though he had developed his rapping long before he began producing, it was often a challenge for West to be accepted as a rapper, and he struggled to attain a record deal.[30] Multiple record companies ignored him because he did not portray the gangsta image prominent in mainstream hip hop at the time.[32] After a series of meetings with Capitol Records, West was ultimately denied an artist deal.[19] According to Capitol Record's A&R, Joe Weinberger, he was approached by West and almost signed a deal with him, but another person in the company convinced Capitol's president not to.[19] Desperate to keep West from defecting to another label, then-label head Damon Dash reluctantly signed West to Roc-A-Fella Records. Jay-Z later admitted that Roc-A-Fella was initially reluctant to support West as a rapper, claiming that many saw him as a producer first and foremost, and that his background contrasted with that of his labelmates.[32][33]
West's breakthrough came a year later on October 23, 2002, when, while driving home from a California recording studio after working late, he fell asleep at the wheel and was involved in a near-fatal car crash.[34] The crash left him with a shattered jaw, which had to be wired shut in reconstructive surgery. The accident inspired West; two weeks after being admitted to hospital, he recorded a song at the Record Plant Studios with his jaw still wired shut.[34] The composition, "Through The Wire", expressed West's experience after the accident, and helped lay the foundation for his debut album, as according to West "all the better artists have expressed what they were going through".[35][36] West added that "the album was my medicine", as working on the record distracted him from the pain.[37] "Through The Wire" was first available on West's Get Well Soon... mixtape, released December 2002.[38] At the same time, West announced that he was working on an album called The College Dropout, whose overall theme was to "make your own decisions. Don't let society tell you, 'This is what you have to do.'"[39]
2003–06: The College Dropout and Late Registration
Carrying a Louis Vuitton backpack filled with old disks and demos to the studio and back, West crafted much of his production for his debut album in less than fifteen minutes at a time. He recorded the remainder of the album in Los Angeles while recovering from the car accident. Once he had completed the album, it was leaked months before its release date.[30] However, West decided to use the opportunity to review the album, and The College Dropout was significantly remixed, remastered, and revised before being released. As a result, certain tracks originally destined for the album were subsequently retracted, among them "Keep the Receipt" with Ol' Dirty Bastard and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" with Consequence.[40] West meticulously refined the production, adding string arrangements, gospel choirs, improved drum programming and new verses.[30] West's perfectionism led The College Dropout to have its release postponed three times from its initial date in August 2003.[41][42]
The College Dropout was eventually issued by Roc-A-Fella in February 2004, shooting to number two on the Billboard 200 as his debut single, "Through the Wire" peaked at number fifteen on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for five weeks.[43] "Slow Jamz", his second single featuring Twista and Jamie Foxx, became an even bigger success: it became the three musicians' first number one hit. The College Dropout received near-universal critical acclaim from contemporary music critics, was voted the top album of the year by two major music publications, and has consistently been ranked among the great hip-hop works and debut albums by artists. "Jesus Walks", the album's fourth single, perhaps exposed West to a wider audience; the song's subject matter concerns faith and Christianity. The song nevertheless reached the top 20 of the Billboard pop charts, despite industry executives' predictions that a song containing such blatant declarations of faith would ever make it to radio.[44][45] The College Dropout would eventually be certified triple platinum in the US, and garnered West 10 Grammy nominations, including Album of the Year, and Best Rap Album (which it received).[46] At the time, the focal point of West's production style was the use of sped-up vocal samples from soul records.[47] However, due in part to the acclaim of The College Dropout, such sampling had been much copied by others; with that overuse, and also because West felt he had become too dependent on the technique, he decided to find a new sound.[48]
Beginning his second effort that fall, West would invest two million dollars and take over a year to craft his second album.[49] West was significantly inspired by Roseland NYC Live, a 1998 live album by English trip hop group Portishead, produced with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.[50] Early in his career, the live album had inspired him to incorporate string arrangements into his hip hop production. Though West had not been able to afford many live instruments around the time of his debut album, the money from his commercial success enabled him to hire a string orchestra for his second album Late Registration.[50] West collaborated with American film score composer Jon Brion, who served as the album's co-executive producer for several tracks.[51] Although Brion had no prior experience in creating hip-hop records, he and West found that they could productively work together after their first afternoon in the studio where they discovered that neither confined his musical knowledge and vision to one specific genre.[52] Late Registration sold over 2.3 million units in the United States alone by the end of 2005 and was considered by industry observers as the only successful major album release of the fall season, which had been plagued by steadily declining CD sales.[53]
While West had encountered controversy a year prior when he stormed out of the American Music Awards of 2004 after losing Best New Artist,[54] the rapper's first large-scale controversy came just days following Late Registration '​s release, during a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina victims. In September 2005, NBC broadcast A Concert for Hurricane Relief, and West was a featured speaker. When West was presenting alongside actor Mike Myers, he deviated from the prepared script. Myers spoke next and continued to read the script. Once it was West's turn to speak again, he said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."[35] West's comment reached much of the United States, leading to mixed reactions; President Bush would later call it one of the most "disgusting moments" of his presidency.[55] West raised further controversy in January 2006 when he posed on the cover of Rolling Stone wearing a crown of thorns.[35]
2007–09: Graduation and 808s & Heartbreak
West performing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2007
Fresh off spending the previous year touring the world with U2 on their Vertigo Tour, West felt inspired to compose anthemic rap songs that could operate more efficiently in large arenas.[56] To this end, West incorporated the synthesizer into his hip-hop production, utilized slower tempos, and experimented with electronic music and influenced by music of the 1980s.[57][58] In addition to U2, West drew musical inspiration from arena rock bands such as The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin in terms of melody and chord progression.[58][59] To make his next effort, the third in a planned tetralogy of education-themed studio albums,[60] more introspective and personal in lyricism, West listened to folk and country singer-songwriters Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash in hopes of developing methods to augment his wordplay and storytelling ability.[50]
West's third studio album, Graduation, garnered major publicity when its release date pitted West in a sales competition against rapper 50 Cent's Curtis.[61] Upon their September 2007 releases, Graduation outsold Curtis by a large margin, debuting at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart and selling 957,000 copies in its first week.[62] Graduation once again continued the string of critical and commercial successes by West, and the album's lead single, "Stronger", garnered the rapper his third number-one hit.[63] "Stronger", which samples French house duo Daft Punk, has been accredited to not only encouraging other hip-hop artists to incorporate house and electronica elements into their music, but also for playing a part in the revival of disco and electro-infused music in the late 2000s.[64] Ben Detrick of XXL cited the outcome of the sales competition between 50 Cent's Curtis and West's Graduation as being responsible for altering the direction of hip-hop and paving the way for new rappers who didn't follow the hardcore-gangster mold, writing, "If there was ever a watershed moment to indicate hip-hop's changing direction, it may have come when 50 Cent competed with Kanye in 2007 to see whose album would claim superior sales."[65]
West performing in Austin, Texas, March 2009
West's life took a different direction when his mother, Donda West, died of complications from cosmetic surgery involving abdominoplasty and breast reduction in November 2007.[66] Months later, West and fiancée Alexis Phifer ended their engagement and their long-term intermittent relationship, which had begun in 2002.[67] The events profoundly affected West, who set off for his 2008 Glow in the Dark Tour shortly thereafter.[68] Feeling his emotions could not be conveyed through rapping, West discovered the voice audio processor Auto-Tune to use whilst singing, which would become a central part of his next effort. Recorded mostly in Honolulu, Hawaii in three weeks,[69] West announced his fourth album, 808s & Heartbreak, at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, where he performed its lead single, "Love Lockdown". Music audiences were taken aback by the uncharacteristic production style and the presence of Auto-Tune, which typified the pre-release response to the record.[70]
808s & Heartbreak, which features extensive use of the eponymous Roland TR-808 drum machine and contains themes of love, loneliness, and heartache, was released by Island Def Jam to capitalize on Thanksgiving weekend in November 2008.[71][72] Reviews were positive, though slightly more mixed than his previous efforts. Despite this, the record's singles demonstrated outstanding chart performances. Upon its release, the lead single "Love Lockdown" debuted at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and became a "Hot Shot Debut",[73] while follow-up single "Heartless" performed similarly and became his second consecutive "Hot Shot Debut" by debuting at number four on the Billboard Hot 100.[74] While it was criticized prior to release, 808s & Heartbreak had a significant effect on hip-hop music, encouraging other rappers to take more creative risks with their productions.[75] In 2012, Rolling Stone journalist Matthew Trammell asserted that the record was ahead of its time and wrote, "Now that popular music has finally caught up to it, 808s & Heartbreak has revealed itself to be Kanye’s most vulnerable work, and perhaps his most brilliant."[76]
West's controversial incident the following year at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards was arguably his biggest controversy, and led to widespread outrage throughout the music industry.[77] During the ceremony, West crashed the stage and grabbed the microphone from winner Taylor Swift in order to proclaim that, instead, Beyoncé's video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", nominated for the same award, was "one of the best videos of all time". He was subsequently withdrawn from the remainder of the show for his actions. West's tour with Lady Gaga was cancelled in response to the controversy, and it was suggested that the incident was partially responsible for 808s & Heartbreak '​s lack of nominations at the 52nd Grammy Awards.[78]
2010–12: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and collaborations
West performing with Jay-Z on their Watch the Throne Tour in 2011
Following the highly publicized incident, West took a brief break from music and threw himself into fashion, only to hole up in Hawaii for the next few months writing and recording his next album.[79] Importing his favorite producers and artists to work on and inspire his recording, West kept engineers behind the boards 24 hours a day and slept only in increments. Noah Callahan-Bever, a writer for Complex, was present during the sessions and described the "communal" atmosphere as thus: "With the right songs and the right album, he can overcome any and all controversy, and we are here to contribute, challenge, and inspire."[79] A variety of artists contributed to the project, including close friends Jay-Z, Kid Cudi and Pusha T, as well as off-the-wall collaborations, such as with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.[80]
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, West's fifth studio album, was released in November 2010 to rave reviews from critics, many of whom described it as his best work that solidified his comeback.[81] In stark contrast to his previous effort, which featured a minimalist sound, Dark Fantasy adopts a maximalist philosophy and deals with themes of celebrity and excess.[47] The record included the international hit "All of the Lights", and Billboard hits "Power", "Monster", and "Runaway", the latter of which accompanied a 35-minute film of the same name.[82] During this time, West initiated the free music program G.O.O.D. Fridays through his website, offering a free download of previously unreleased songs each Friday of the week, a portion of which were included on the album. Dark Fantasy went on to go platinum in the United States,[83] but its omission as a contender for Album of the Year at the 54th Grammy Awards was viewed as a "snub" by several media outlets.[84]
West at Coachella on April 17, 2011
Following a headlining set at Coachella 2011 that was described by The Hollywood Reporter as "one of greatest hip-hop sets of all time,"[85] West released the collaborative album Watch the Throne with Jay-Z. By employing a sales strategy that released the album digitally weeks before its physical counterpart, Watch the Throne became one of the few major label albums in the Internet age to avoid a leak.[86][87] "Niggas in Paris" became the record's highest charting single, peaking at number five on the Billboard Hot 100.[82] In 2012, West released the compilation album Cruel Summer, a collection of tracks by artists from West's record label GOOD Music. Cruel Summer produced four singles, two of which charted within the top twenty of the Hot 100: "Mercy" and "Clique".[82] West also directed a film of the same name that premiered at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival in custom pyramid-shaped screening pavilion featuring seven screens.[88]
2013–present: Yeezus and upcoming seventh studio album
West performing during the Yeezus Tour
Sessions for West's sixth solo effort begin to take shape in early 2013 in his own personal loft's living room at a Paris hotel.[89] Determined to "undermine the commercial,"[90] he once again brought together close collaborators and attempted to incorporate Chicago drill, dancehall, acid house, and industrial music.[91] Primarily inspired by architecture,[89] West's perfectionist tendencies led him to contact producer Rick Rubin fifteen days shy of its due date to strip down the record's sound in favor of a more minimalist approach.[92] Initial promotion of his sixth album included worldwide video projections of the album's music and live television performances.[93][94]
Yeezus, West's sixth album, was released June 18, 2013 to rave reviews from critics.[95] It became the rapper's sixth consecutive number one debut.[96] Def Jam issued "Black Skinhead" to radio in July 2013 as the album's lead single.[97] On September 6, 2013, Kanye West announced he would be headlining his first solo tour in five years, to support Yeezus, with fellow American rapper Kendrick Lamar, accompanying him along the way.[98][99]
On November 24, 2013, West stated that he was working on and recording his next studio album, hoping to release it by mid-2014.[100] The album is being produced by Rick Rubin and Q-Tip.[101] In April 2014, he appeared in Future's single titled "I Won".[102] West released a single, "Only One", featuring Paul McCartney, on December 31, 2014.[103]
"FourFiveSeconds", a single jointly produced with Rihanna and McCartney, was released on January 23, 2015. West had played the song before radio programmers at the iHeartMedia Music Summit, but, at the time of release, an indication was not given about whether it will appear on the next albums of either West or Rihanna.[104]
Other ventures
Business ventures
In August 2008, West revealed plans to open 10 Fatburger restaurants in the Chicago area; the first was set to open in September 2008 in Orland Park. The second followed in January 2009, while a third location is yet to be revealed, although the process is being finalized. His company, KW Foods LLC, bought the rights to the chain in Chicago.[105]
In September 2005, West announced that he would release his Pastelle Clothing line in spring 2006, claiming "Now that I have a Grammy under my belt and Late Registration is finished, I am ready to launch my clothing line next spring."[106] The line was developed over the following four years – with multiple pieces teased by West himself – before the line was ultimately cancelled in 2009.[107][108]
In 2009, West collaborated with Nike to release his own shoe, the Air Yeezys, with a second version released in 2012. In January 2009, West introduced his first shoe line designed for Louis Vuitton during Paris Fashion Week. The line was released in summer 2009.[109] West has additionally designed shoewear for Bape and Italian shoemaker Giuseppe Zanotti.[110]
On October 1, 2011, Kanye West premiered his women's fashion label, DW Kanye West[111] at Paris Fashion Week. He received support from DSquared2 duo Dean and Dan Caten, Olivier Theyskens, Jeremy Scott, Azzedine Alaïa, and the Olsen twins, who were also in attendance during his show. His debut fashion show received mixed-to-negative reviews,[112] ranging from reserved observations by Style.com[113] to excoriating commentary by The Wall Street Journal,[114] The New York Times,[115] the International Herald Tribune, Elleuk.com, The Daily Telegraph, Harper's Bazaar and many others.[116][117][118]
West performing at The Museum of Modern Art's annual Party, May 2011
On March 6, 2012, West premiered a second fashion line at Paris Fashion Week.[119][120] The line's reception was markedly improved from the previous presentation, with a number of critics heralding West for his "much improved" sophomore effort.[121]
On December 3, 2013, Adidas officially confirmed a new shoe collaboration deal with West.[122]
West, alongside his mother, founded the "Kanye West Foundation" in Chicago in 2003, tasked with a mission to battle dropout and illiteracy rates, while partnering with community organizations to provide underprivileged youth access to music education.[123] In 2007, the West and the Foundation partnered with Strong American Schools as part of their "Ed in '08" campaign.[124][125] As spokesman for the campaign, West appeared in a series of PSAs for the organization, and hosted an inaugural benefit concert in August of that year.[126]
In 2008, following the death of West's mother, the foundation was rechristened "The Dr. Donda West Foundation." [123][127] The foundation ceased operations in 2011.[128]
West has additionally appeared and participated in many fundraisers, benefit concerts, and has done community work for Hurricane Katrina relief, the Kanye West Foundation, the Millions More Movement, 100 Black Men of America, a Live Earth concert benefit, World Water Day rally and march, Nike runs, and a MTV special helping young Iraq War veterans who struggle through debt and PTSD a second chance after returning home.[129]
West working in the studio with his mentor No ID (left)
At the start of his career, West often used pitched-up vocal samples, usually from soul songs, in his production, along with his own drums and instruments.[130] His first major release featuring his trademark vocal sampling style was "This Can't Be Life", a track from Jay-Z’s The Dynasty: Roc La Familia. West said he sped up the drum beat of Dr. Dre's "Xxplosive" to use as a replacement for his drums on "This Can't Be Life".[131]
West has said that Wu-Tang Clan producer RZA influenced him in his style,[14][132] and has said on numerous occasions that Wu-Tang rappers Ghostface Killah and Ol' Dirty Bastard were some of his all-time favorites, "Wu-Tang? Me and my friends talk about this all the time... We think Wu-Tang had one of the biggest impacts as far as a movement. From slang to style of dress, skits, the samples. Similar to the [production] style I use, RZA has been doing that."[133] RZA himself has spoken quite positively of the comparisons, stating in an interview for Rolling Stone, "All good. I got super respect for Kanye. He came up to me about a year or two ago. He gave me mad praising and blessings... For people to say Wu-Tang inspire Kanye, Kanye is one of the biggest artists in the world. That goes back to what we say: 'Wu-Tang is forever.' Kanye is going to inspire people to be like him."[134] After hearing his work on The Blueprint, RZA claimed that a torch-passing had occurred between him and West, saying, "The shoes gotta be filled. If you ain't gonna do it, somebody else is gonna do it. That's how I feel about rap today."[134]
West accompanied by an 11-piece chamber orchestra.
While his use of sampling has lessened over time, West's production continues to feature distinctive and intricate string arrangements. This characteristic arose from him listening to the English trip hop group Portishead, whose 1998 live album Roseland NYC Live, with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra inspired him to incorporate string sections into his hip hop production.[50] Though he was unable to afford live instruments beyond violin riffs provided by Israeli violinist Miri Ben-Ari around the time of his debut album, its subsequent commercial success allowed him to hire his very own eleven-piece string orchestra. For a time, West stood as the sole current pop star to tour with a string section.[50]
West has stated on several occasions that outside of his musical career, he favors listening to rock music over hip-hop.[135] He cites Franz Ferdinand, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Killers, Keane, Radiohead, Kaiser Chiefs, Modest Mouse, and Coldplay as some of his favorite musical groups.[135][136][137] Additionally, on Graduation, West drew inspiration from arena rock bands such as U2, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin for melody and chord progression.[138] Both a fan and supporter of indie culture, West uses his official website to promote obscure indie rock bands, posting up music videos and mp3s on a daily basis.[139] This musical affinity is mutual, as West has collaborated with indie artists such as Santigold, Peter Bjorn and John, Lykke Li and Bon Iver while his songs have gone on to be covered countless times by myriad rock bands.[140]
West's mascot and trademark is "Dropout Bear," a teddy bear which has appeared on the covers of three of his six solo albums as well as various single covers and in his music videos.[141]
Personal life
West's wife Kim Kardashian, pictured in September 2012
West began an on-again, off-again relationship with designer Alexis Phifer in 2002, and they became engaged in August 2006. The pair ended their 18-month engagement in 2008.[142] West subsequently dated model Amber Rose from 2008 until the summer of 2010.[143] West began dating reality star and longtime friend[144] Kim Kardashian in April 2012.[145] West and Kardashian became engaged in October 2013[146][147] and married on May 24, 2014 at Fort di Belvedere in Florence, Italy.[148] Their daughter, North "Nori" West, was born in June 2013.[149][150]
Mother's death
Donda West in August 2007
On November 10, 2007, at approximately 7:35 pm, paramedics responding to an emergency call transported West's mother, Donda West, to the nearby Centinela Freeman Hospital in Marina del Rey, California. She was unresponsive in the emergency room, and after resuscitation attempts, doctors pronounced her dead at approximately 8:30 pm,[151] at age 58.[152] The Los Angeles County coroner's office said in January 2008 that West had died of heart disease while suffering "multiple post-operative factors" after plastic surgery. She had undergone liposuction and breast reduction.[152] Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Andre Aboolian had refused to do the surgery because West had a health condition that placed her at risk for a heart attack.[151] Aboolian referred her to an internist to investigate her cardiac issue.[151] She never met with the doctor recommended by Aboolian and had the procedures performed by a third doctor, Jan Adams.[151]
Adams sent condolences to Donda West's family but declined to publicly discuss the procedure, citing confidentiality. West’s family, through celebrity attorney Ed McPherson, filed complaints with the Medical Board against Adams and Aboolian for violating patient confidentiality following her death.[153] Adams had previously been under scrutiny by the medical board.[154][155] He appeared on Larry King Live on November 20, 2007, but left before speaking. Two days later, he appeared again, with his attorney, stating he was there to "defend himself". He said that the recently released autopsy results "spoke for themselves".[156] The final coroner's report January 10, 2008, concluded that Donda West died of "coronary artery disease and multiple post-operative factors due to or as a consequence of liposuction and mammoplasty".[157]
The funeral and burial for Donda West was held in Oklahoma City on November 20, 2007.[158] West played his first concert following the funeral at The O2 in London on November 22. He dedicated a performance of "Hey Mama", as well as a cover of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'", to his mother, and did so on all other dates of his Glow in the Dark tour.[159]
At a December 2008 press conference in New Zealand, West spoke about his mother's death for the first time. "It was like losing an arm and a leg and trying to walk through that," he told reporters.[160]
California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the "Donda West Law," legislation which makes it mandatory for patients to provide medical clearance for elective cosmetic surgery.[161]
Legal issues
In December 2006, Robert "Evel" Knievel sued West for trademark infringement in West's video for "Touch the Sky." Knievel took issue with a "sexually charged video" in which West takes on the persona of "Evel Kanyevel" and attempts flying a rocket over a canyon. The suit filed in federal court claims infringement on his trademarked name and likeness. Knievel also claims the "vulgar and offensive" images depicted in the video damaged his reputation. The suit seeks damages and to stop distribution of the video.[162] West's attorneys argued that the music video amounted to satire and therefore was covered under the First Amendment. Just days before his death in November 2007, Knievel amicably settled the suit after being paid a visit from West, saying, "I thought he was a wonderful guy and quite a gentleman."[163]
On September 11, 2008, West and his road manager/bodyguard Don "Don C." Crowley were arrested at Los Angeles International Airport and booked on charges of felony vandalism after an altercation with the paparazzi in which West and Crowley broke the photographers' cameras.[164][165] West was later released from the Los Angeles Police Department's Pacific Division station in Culver City on $20,000 bail bond. On September 26, 2008, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said it would not file felony counts against West over the incident. Instead the case file was forwarded to the city attorney's office, which charged West with one count of misdemeanor vandalism, one count of grand theft and one count of battery and his manager with three counts of each on March 18, 2009.[166] West's and Crowley's arraignment was delayed from an original date of April 14, 2009.[167]
West was arrested again on November 14, 2008 at the Hilton hotel near Gateshead after another scuffle involving a photographer outside the famous Tup Tup Palace nightclub in Newcastle upon Tyne. He was later released "with no further action", according to a police spokesperson.[168]
On July 19, 2013, West was leaving LAX as he was surrounded by dozens of paparazzi. West became increasingly agitated as a photographer continued to ask him why people were not allowed to speak in his presence. West then says, "I told you don't talk to me, right? You trying to get me in trouble so I steal off on you and have to pay you like $250,000 and shit." Then he allegedly charged the man and grabbed him and his camera. The incident captured by TMZ, took place for a few seconds before a female voice can be heard telling West to stop. West then released the man, and his camera, and drove away from the scene. Medics were later called to the scene on behalf of the photographer who was grabbed. It was reported West could be charged with felony attempted robbery behind the matter.[169] However, he was charged with misdemeanor criminal battery and attempted grand theft, he was scheduled for arraignment for the charges on October 10, 2013.[170]
General media
West has had several controversies throughout his career. On September 2, 2005, during a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina relief on NBC, A Concert for Hurricane Relief, West was a featured speaker. When West was presenting alongside actor Mike Myers, he deviated from the prepared script. Myers spoke next and continued to read the script. Once it was West's turn to speak again, he said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." At this point, telethon producer Rick Kaplan cut off the microphone and then cut away to Chris Tucker, who was unaware of the cut for a few seconds. Still, West's comment reached much of the United States.[171][172] Bush stated in an interview that the comment was "one of the most disgusting moments" of his presidency.[55]
In November 2010, in a taped interview with Matt Lauer for the Today Show, West expressed regret for his criticism of Bush. "I would tell George Bush in my moment of frustration, I didn't have the grounds to call him a racist," he told Lauer. "I believe that in a situation of high emotion like that we as human beings don't always choose the right words." The following day, Bush reacted to the apology in a live interview with Lauer saying he appreciated the rapper's remorse. "I'm not a hater," Bush said. "I don't hate Kanye West. I was talking about an environment in which people were willing to say things that hurt. Nobody wants to be called a racist if in your heart you believe in equality of races."[173]
Reactions were mixed, but some felt that West had no need to apologize. "It was not the particulars of your words that mattered, it was the essence of a feeling of the insensitivity towards our communities that many of us have felt for far too long," argued Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons.[174] Bush himself was receptive to the apology, saying, "I appreciate that. It wasn't just Kanye West who was talking like that during Katrina, I cited him as an example, I cited others as an example as well. You know, I appreciate that."[175]
The rap musician later launched a tirade on Twitter directed at talk show host Jimmy Kimmel after his ABC program Jimmy Kimmel Live! ran a sketch on September 25, 2013 involving two children re-enacting West's recent interview with Zane Lowe for BBC Radio 1 in which he calls himself the biggest rock star on the planet. Kimmel reveals the following night that West called him to demand an apology shortly before taping.[176]
Award shows
In 2004, West had his first of a number of incidents involving music award events. At the American Music Awards of 2004, West stormed out of the auditorium after losing Best New Artist to country singer Gretchen Wilson. He later commented, "I felt like I was definitely robbed [...] I was the best new artist this year."[54] After the 2006 Grammy nominations were released, West said he would "really have a problem" if he did not win the Album of the Year, saying, "I don't care what I do, I don't care how much I stunt – you can never take away from the amount of work I put into it. I don't want to hear all of that politically correct stuff."[177] On November 2, 2006, when his "Touch the Sky" failed to win Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards, West went onto the stage as the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends" and argued that he should have won the award instead.[178][179] Hundreds of news outlets worldwide criticized the outburst. On November 7, 2006, West apologized for this outburst publicly during his performance as support act for U2 for their Vertigo concert in Brisbane.[180] He later spoofed the incident on the 33rd season premiere of Saturday Night Live in September 2007.[181]
On September 9, 2007, West suggested that his race had something to do with his being overlooked for opening the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) in favor of Britney Spears; he claimed, "Maybe my skin’s not right."[182] West was performing at the event; that night, he lost all five awards that he was nominated for, including Best Male Artist and Video of the Year. After the show, he was visibly upset that he had lost at the VMAs two years in a row, stating that he would not come back to MTV ever again. He also appeared on several radio stations saying that when he made the song "Stronger" that it was his dream to open the VMAs with it. He has also stated that Spears has not had a hit in a long period of time and that MTV exploited her for ratings.[183]
On September 13, 2009, during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards while Taylor Swift was accepting her award for Best Female Video for "You Belong with Me", West went on stage and grabbed the microphone to proclaim that Beyoncé's video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", nominated for the same award, was "one of the best videos of all time". He was subsequently removed from the remainder of the show for his actions.[77][184][185] When Beyoncé later won the award for Best Video of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", she called Swift up on stage so that she could finish her acceptance speech.[184] West was criticized by various celebrities for the outburst,[77][186][187][188][189] and by President Barack Obama, who called West a "jackass".[190][191][192][193] In addition, West's VMA disruption sparked a large influx of Internet photo memes with blogs, forums and "tweets" with the "Let you finish" photo-jokes.[194] He posted a Tweet soon after the event where he stated, "Everybody wanna booooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture... I'm not crazy y'all, I'm just real."[195] He then posted two apologies for the outburst on his personal blog; one on the night of the incident, and the other the following day, when he also apologized during an appearance on The Jay Leno Show.[187][196] After Swift appeared on The View two days after the outburst, partly to discuss the matter, West called her to apologize personally. Swift said she accepted his apology.[197][198][199] In September 2010, West wrote a series of apologetic tweets addressed to Swift including "Beyonce didn't need that. MTV didn't need that and Taylor and her family friends and fans definitely didn't want or need that" and concluding with "I'm sorry Taylor." He also revealed he had written a song for Swift and if she did not accept the song, he would perform it himself.[200] However, on November 8, 2010, in an interview with a Minnesota radio station, he seemed to recant his past apologies by attempting to describe the act at the 2009 awards show as "selfless" and downgrade the perception of disrespect it created.[201][202]
On February 8th, 2015 at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards, West walked on stage as Beck was accepting his award for Album of the Year and then walked off stage, making everyone think he was joking around. After the awards show, West claimed in an interview that he was not joking and that "Beck needs to respect artistry, he should have given his award to Beyoncé". [203]
Allegedly anti-Semitic comments
During a November 26, 2013, radio interview, Kanye was explaining why he believed that President Obama had problems pushing policies in Washington. He said: "Man, let me tell you something about George Bush and oil money and Obama and no money. People want to say Obama can't make these moves or he's not executing. That's because he ain't got those connections. Black people don't have the same level of connections as Jewish people...We ain't Jewish. We don't got family that got money like that."[204] In response to Kanye's comments, the Anti-Defamation League stated: "This is classic anti-Semitism. There it goes again, the age-old canard that Jews are all-powerful and control the levers of power in government. As a celebrity with a wide following, Kanye West should know better. We hope that he will take responsibility for his words, understand why they are so offensive, and apologize to those he has offended."[205] However, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, defended Kanye West, stating: "You are telling Kanye West he should know better. He does know better, and that’s why he said what he said... You know what Mr. Foxman? "I wish you and I could have a dialogue. You wouldn’t put that small time stuff over on me that you put on scared to death negroes, that if they mention Jew and you call them anti-semitic they start bowing to you and your pressure."[206][207] On December 21, 2013, West backed off of the original comment and told a Chicago radio station that "I thought I was giving a compliment, but if anything it came off more ignorant. I don’t know how being told you have money is an insult."[208]
Legacy and influence
Mr. West has had the most sui generis hip-hop career of the last decade. No rapper has embodied hip-hop’s often contradictory impulses of narcissism and social good quite as he has, and no producer has celebrated the lush and the ornate quite as he has. He has spent most of his career in additive mode, figuring out how to make music that’s majestic and thought-provoking and grand-scaled. And he's also widened the genre's gates, whether for middle-class values or high-fashion and high-art dreams.
—Jon Caramanica, The New York Times[89]
West has been an outspoken and controversial celebrity throughout his career. He posed as Jesus for the cover of Rolling Stone and accused President George W. Bush of not "caring about black people."[35] He has also frequently spoken out against homophobia in hip hop music.[35] His dapper and flamboyant fashion sense has also attracted media attention and set West apart from other rappers.[35] Allmusic editor Jason Birchmeier writes of his impact, "As his career progressed throughout the early 21st century, West shattered certain stereotypes about rappers, becoming a superstar on his own terms without adapting his appearance, his rhetoric, or his music to fit any one musical mold."[35] Jon Caramanica of The New York Times said that West has been "a frequent lightning rod for controversy, a bombastic figure who can count rankling two presidents among his achievements, along with being a reliably dyspeptic presence at award shows (when he attends them)."[89]
Village Voice Media senior editor Ben Westhoff dubbed West the greatest hip hop artist of all time, writing that "he's made the best albums and changed the game the most, and his music is the most likely to endure."[209] Rolling Stone credited West for transforming hip hop's mainstream, "establishing a style of introspective yet glossy rap on The College Dropout and Late Registration, two of the decade's best records", and called him "as interesting and complicated a pop star as the 2000s produced—a rapper who mastered, upped and moved beyond the hip-hop game, a producer who created a signature sound and then abandoned it to his imitators, a flashy, free-spending sybarite with insightful things to say about college, culture and economics, an egomaniac with more than enough artistic firepower to back it up."[210]
The sales competition between rapper 50 Cent's Curtis and West's Graduation altered the direction of hip hop and helped pave the way for new rappers who did not follow the hardcore-gangster mold.[65] Rosie Swash of The Guardian viewed the sales competition as a historical moment in hip-hop, because it "highlighted the diverging facets of hip-hop in the last decade; the former was gangsta rap for the noughties, while West was the thinking man's alternative."[211] West's 2008 album 808s & Heartbreak polarized both listeners and critics, but was commercially successful and impacted hip hop stylistically,[35] as it laid the groundwork for a new wave of artists who generally eschewed typical rap braggadocio for intimate subject matter and introspection, including B.o.B, Kid Cudi, Childish Gambino,[212] Frank Ocean,[213] The Weeknd, and Drake.[214][215] According to Ben Detrick of XXL magazine, West effectively led a new wave of artists, including Kid Cudi, Wale, Lupe Fiasco, Kidz in the Hall, and Drake, who lacked the interest or ability to rap about gunplay or drug-dealing.[65] Both Drake and Casey Veggies have acknowledged being influenced directly by West.[216][217] English singer-songwriter Adele said that she drew inspiration from West's music when she recorded her 2011 album 21, as he was one of the artists she "loved forever".[218] Sergio Pizzorno of English rock band Kasabian cited West as an influence on their 2014 album 48:13.[219]
West's first six solo studio albums, all of which have gone platinum, have received numerous awards and critical acclaim.[220] All of his albums have been commercially successful, with Yeezus, his sixth solo album, becoming his fifth consecutive No. 1 album in the U.S. upon release.[221] West has had six songs exceed 3 million in digital sales as of December 2012, with "Gold Digger" selling 3,086,000, "Stronger" selling 4,402,000, "Heartless"[222] selling 3,742,000, "E.T." selling over 4,000,000, "Love Lockdown" selling over 3,000,000,[223][224] and "Niggas in Paris" selling over 3,000,000,[225][226] placing him third in overall digital sales of the past decade.[227][228] He has sold over 30 million digital songs in the United States making him one of the best-selling digital artists of all-time.[229]
West was the inspiration for Coinye West, a cryptocurrency;[230][231] his lawyers served a cease-and-desist letter.[232]
Main article: List of awards and nominations received by Kanye West
As of 2013, West has won a total of 21 Grammy Awards, making him one of the most awarded artists of all-time.[2] About.com ranked Kanye West No. 8 on their "Top 50 Hip-Hop Producers" list.[233] On May 16, 2008, Kanye West was crowned by MTV as the year's No. 1 "Hottest MC in the Game."[234] On December 17, 2010, Kanye West was voted as the MTV Man of the Year by MTV.[235] Billboard ranked Kanye West No. 3 on their list of Top 10 Producers of the Decade.[236] West ties with Bob Dylan for having topped the annual Pazz & Jop critic poll the most number of times ever, with four number-one albums each.[237] West has also been included in the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world as well as being listed in a number of Forbes annual lists.[3]
In its 2012 list of "500 Greatest Albums of All Time, Rolling Stone included three of West's albums—The College Dropout at number 298,[238] Late Registration at number 118,[239] and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy at number 353.[240]
The Pitchfork online music publication ranked My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy as the world's best album of the decade "so far"—between 2010 and 2014—on August 19, 2014, while Yeezus was ranked in the eighth position of a list of 100 albums. During the same week, the song "Runaway" (featuring Pusha T) was ranked in the third position in the publication's list of the 200 "best tracks" released since 2010.[241][242]
Main articles: Kanye West discography and Kanye West production discography The College Dropout (2004) Late Registration (2005) Graduation (2007) 808s & Heartbreak (2008) My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010) Watch the Throne (with Jay-Z) (2011) Yeezus (2013)
Videography The College Dropout Video Anthology (2004) Late Orchestration (2005)
2005 State Property 2 Himself Cameo appearance 2008 The Love Guru Himself Cameo appearance 2009 We Were Once a Fairytale Himself Short film, directed by Spike Jonze 2010 Runaway Griffin Short film, also director and writer 2012 Cruel Summer Ibrahim Short film, also director, producer and writer 2013 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues J.J. Jackson of MTV News
2007 Entourage Himself Season 4, Episode 11 2010–2012 The Cleveland Show Kenny West (voice) 5 episodes 2012–present Keeping Up with the Kardashians Himself
Bibliography Thank You and You're Welcome (2009) Through the Wire: Lyrics & Illuminations (2009) Glow in the Dark (2009)
1.Jump up ^ Barnes, Steve (February 13, 2014). "Kanye the quotable". Times Union (Albany). Retrieved May 27, 2014. 2.^ Jump up to: a b Kyles, Yohance (February 11, 2013). "55th Annual Grammy Awards Recap". AllHipHop. Retrieved February 12, 2013. 3.^ Jump up to: a b "Forbes Profile: Kanye West". Forbes. Retrieved June 3, 2011. 4.Jump up ^ "The 100 Best Albums of 2010-2014". Pitchfork Media. February 7, 2015. Retrieved February 7, 2015. 5.Jump up ^ "Monitor". Entertainment Weekly (1209/1210). Jun 1–8, 2012. p. 35. 6.Jump up ^ "Monitor". Entertainment Weekly (1263): 40. Jun 14, 2013. 7.Jump up ^ Arney, Steve (March 8, 2006). "Kanye West Coming To Redbird.". Pantagraph. Retrieved April 26, 2008. 8.^ Jump up to: a b Christian, Margena A. (May 14, 2007). "Dr. Donda West Tells How She Shaped Son To Be A Leader In Raising Kanye". Jet. Retrieved August 19, 2007. 9.Jump up ^ "About". Westar Waterworks, LLC t/a The Good Water Store and Café. 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Retrieved September 7, 2010. 201.Jump up ^ "VIDEO: Kanye West Backtracks On Taylor Swift Apology". 202.Jump up ^ "Kanye West Backtracks On Taylor Swift Apology". 203.Jump up ^ Stern, Marlow. "Kanye West Blasts Beck’s Album of the Year Grammys Win: ‘Beck Needs To Respect Artistry’". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 9 February 2015. 204.Jump up ^ Kanye West Guilty Of Anti-Semitism?! Anti-Defamation League Demands Apology For Latest Comments! by Perez Hilton, May 12, 2013 205.Jump up ^ Kanye West's Week Includes Accusations Of Anti-Semitism, Weak Attendance At Kansas City Gig by The Huffington Post, Matthew Jacobs, May 12, 2013 206.Jump up ^ Louis Farrakhan to Kanye West: 'Don't bow to Jewish pressure!' By Layne Weiss, December 16, 2013, Digital Journal 207.Jump up ^ Farrakhan: Kanye West does not owe Jews an apology By JTA,December 16, 2013 208.Jump up ^ JPost.com Staff (December 22, 2013). "Kanye West wants to take back 'ignorant compliment' about Jews". The Jerusalem Post (Jerusalem, Israel: Palestine Post Ltd.). Retrieved January 16, 2014. 209.Jump up ^ Westhoff, Ben (February 20, 2013). "Sorry, But Kanye Is the GOAT". The Village Voice Blogs. Village Voice Media. Retrieved March 3, 2013. 210.Jump up ^ "Kanye West: Album Guide". Rolling Stone (Jann S. Wenner). Retrieved August 5, 2012. 211.Jump up ^ Swash, Rosie (June 13, 2011). Kanye v 50 Cent. The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited. Retrieved August 9, 2011. 212.Jump up ^ Barli, Nick Huff (November 29, 2011). "Childish Gambino AKA Donald Glover talks Kanye West, Nas, Kendrick Lamar". hardknock.tv. Retrieved December 1, 2012. 213.Jump up ^ Sterling, Scott (November 18, 2011). "Concert review: Frank Ocean reveals the softer side of Odd Future". 89.3 KPCC. Southern California Public Radio. Retrieved March 13, 2012. 214.Jump up ^ Paine, Jake (November 12, 2011). "Parkbench Studies: Is 808's & Heartbreak Our Chronic?". HipHopDX. Cheri Media Group. Retrieved March 13, 2012. 215.Jump up ^ Rabin, Nathan. Review: Thank Me Later. The A.V. Club. Retrieved on June 15, 2010. 216.Jump up ^ "Drake Says Kanye West Is 'The Most Influential Person' On His Sound". MTV News. May 28, 2009. 217.Jump up ^ "Casey Veggies Speaks On Influences, Names Kanye West & Nas". HipHopDX. August 10, 2011. 218.Jump up ^ Adkins, Adele (November 1, 2010). "Adele: I'm very excited, nervous, eager, anxious but chuffed to announce my new album!". Adele.tv. XL Recordings. Archived from the original on April 24, 2011. Retrieved April 24, 2011. 219.Jump up ^ http://www.gigwise.com/news/87320/kasabian-our-new-albums-influenced-by-nirvana-+-kanye-west 220.Jump up ^ "Kanye West". Metacritic. Retrieved April 24, 2008. 221.Jump up ^ "Billboard". December 11, 2010. 222.Jump up ^ J.C. Maçek III (August 2, 2012). "'American Pop'... Matters: Ron Thompson, the Illustrated Man Unsung". PopMatters. 223.Jump up ^ "Week Ending May 8, 2011. Songs: Rolling In The Dough – Yahoo! Chart Watch". new.music.yahoo.com. May 11, 2011. Retrieved May 12, 2011. 224.Jump up ^ "Week Ending July 3, 2011. Songs: Sons Of A Legend – Chart Watch". New.music.yahoo.com. July 6, 2011. Retrieved July 17, 2011. 225.Jump up ^ Watson, Andrew (December 20, 2012). "Jay-Z And Kanye West’s ‘N*ggas In Paris’ Goes Triple Platinum, And ‘No Church In The Wild’ Goes Gold". The Versed. Retrieved February 6, 2013. 226.Jump up ^ Grein, Paul (November 7, 2012). "Week Ending Nov. 4, 2012. Songs: The Power Of "The Voice" | Chart Watch (NEW) – Yahoo! Music". Music.yahoo.com. Retrieved May 3, 2013. 227.Jump up ^ "Top Digital Artists of the Decade". Billboard. Retrieved May 13, 2011. 228.Jump up ^ "Week Ending June 19, 2011. Bad Teenage Dreams – Chart Watch". New.music.yahoo.com. June 22, 2011. Retrieved July 17, 2011.[dead link] 229.Jump up ^ Ross, Dalton (January 6, 2012). "Rihanna crowned best-selling digital artist | The Music Mix | EW.com". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved March 26, 2012. 230.Jump up ^ Farivar, Cyrus (January 7, 2014). "Kanye West’s lawyer orders "Coinye" to cease and desist just before launch". Ars Technica. Retrieved June 9, 2014. 231.Jump up ^ "Kanye’s Lawyer Moves to Block Coinye – Digits – WSJ". Blogs.wsj.com. January 7, 2014. Retrieved June 9, 2014. 232.Jump up ^ "WSJ Coin". WSJ. Retrieved June 9, 2014. 233.Jump up ^ Adaso, Henry; Rott, Ivan; P., Renato; Bhaskar, S; Henry, A. "Top 50 Hip-Hop Producers". About.com. p. 8. Retrieved July 17, 2011. 234.Jump up ^ Reid, Shaheem (May 16, 2008). "'Hottest MCs In The Game': No.1 Kanye West". Mtv. Retrieved July 18, 2009. 235.Jump up ^ Clem Rusty (December 19, 2010). "Kanye west voted as the man of the year.". 236.Jump up ^ "Top Producers of the decade.". May 21, 2011. 237.Jump up ^ McManus, Brian (January 15, 2014). "For the Fourth Time in Six Albums, Kanye West Takes the Top Pazz & Jop Prize". The Village Voice. Voice Media Group. Retrieved January 15, 2014. 238.Jump up ^ "500 Greatest Albums of All Time: Kanye West, 'The College Dropout'". Rolling Stone (Jann S. Wenner). 2012. Retrieved August 29, 2012. 239.Jump up ^ "500 Greatest Albums of All Time: Kanye West, 'Late Registration'". Rolling Stone (Jann S. Wenner). 2012. Retrieved August 29, 2012. 240.Jump up ^ "500 Greatest Albums of All Time: Kanye West, 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'". Rolling Stone (Jann S. Wenner). 2012. Retrieved August 29, 2012. 241.Jump up ^ tom mann (August 19, 2014). "And Pitchfork says the best album of the decade is....". Faster Louder. Faster Louder Pty Ltd. Retrieved August 29, 2014. 242.Jump up ^ Sarah Smith (August 18, 2014). "And Pitchfork says the bestsong of the decade is....". Faster Louder. Faster Louder Pty Ltd. Retrieved August 29, 2014.
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Grammy Awards 2015: The Complete Winners List
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By Rolling Stone | February 8, 2015
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Grammys Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
While Sam Smith and Beck dominated the 57th annual Grammy Awards, they were hardly the only winners Sunday night. From Pearl Jam's Jeff Ament (and Eddie Vedder, using his pseudonym "Jerome Turner") scoring Best Recording Package to Beyoncé taking home Best Surround Sound Album, here is the full rundown of all the Grammy winners.
Prince, Mary J. Blige and Sam SmithGrammy Awards 2015's 21 Best and Worst Moments » Record of the Year
Sam Smith – "Stay With Me (Darkchild Version)"
Steve Fitzmaurice, Rodney Jerkins & Jimmy Napes, producers; Steve Fitzmaurice, Jimmy Napes & Steve Price, engineers/mixers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer Label: Capitol Records; Publishers: Sony/ATV Songs LLC obo Naughty Worlds Ltd./Universal-Polygram Int. Tunes, Inc. obo Salli Isaak Songs, Ltd./Universal Polygram Int. Tunes, Inc. obo Method Paperwork
Song of the Year Sam Smith - "Stay With Me (Darkchild Version)" James Napier, William Phillips & Sam Smith, songwriters
Album of the Year
Beck - Morning Phase
Beck Hansen, producer; Tom Elmhirst, David Greenbaum, Florian Lagatta, Cole Marsden Greif-Neill, Robbie Nelson, Darrell Thorp, Cassidy Turbin & Joe Visciano, engineers/mixers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer
Best New Artist
Sam Smith
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance A Great Big World With Christina Aguilera - "Say Something"
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga - Cheek To Cheek
Best Pop Solo Performance
Pharrell Williams - "Happy"
Best Pop Vocal Album
Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour
Sam Smith22 Things We Learned Hanging Out With Sam Smith » Best Rock Performance
Jack White - "Lazaretto"
Best Rock Album
Beck - Morning Phase
Best Rock Song
Paramore - "Ain't It Fun"
Hayley Williams & Taylor York, songwriters
Best Alternative Rock Album
St. Vincent - St. Vincent
Best Metal Performance Tenacious D - "The Last In Line"
Best Rap Performance
Kendrick Lamar - "I"
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration
Eminem Featuring Rihanna - "The Monster"
Best Rap Song Kendrick Lamar - "I"
K. Duckworth & C. Smith, songwriters
Best Rap Album
Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP2
Best R&B Performance
Beyoncé Featuring Jay Z – "Drunk In Love"
Best Traditional R&B Performance
"Jesus Children"
Robert Glasper Experiment Featuring Lalah Hathaway & Malcolm-Jamal Warner
morrissey25 Artists Who Have Never Won a Grammy » Best R&B Song
Beyoncé Featuring Jay Z - "Drunk In Love"
Shawn Carter, Rasool Diaz, Noel Fisher, Jerome Harmon, Beyoncé Knowles, Timothy Mosely, Andre Eric Proctor & Brian Soko, songwriters
Best Urban Contemporary Album
Pharrell Williams - Girl
Best R&B Album Toni Braxton & Babyface - Love, Marriage & Divorce
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
Chris Thile & Edgar Meyer - Bass & Mandolin
Best Dance/Electronic Album
Aphex Twin - Syro
Best Dance Recording
Clean Bandit Featuring Jess Glynne - "Rather Be"
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media Frozen Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Robert Lopez, Tom MacDougall & Chris Montan, compilation producers
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media The Grand Budapest Hotel
Alexandre Desplat, composer
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"Let It Go" from Frozen
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez, songwriters (Idina Menzel)
Best Country Album
Miranda Lambert - Platinum
Barack Obama20 People You Won't Believe Have Grammys » Best Country Solo Performance
Carrie Underwood - "Something In The Water"
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
The Band Perry - "Gentle On My Mind"
Best Country Song
"I'm Not Gonna Miss You"
Glen Campbell & Julian Raymond, songwriters (Glen Campbell)
Best Bluegrass Album
The Earls Of Leicester - The Earls Of Leicester
Best American Roots Performance
Rosanne Cash - "A Feather's Not A Bird"
Best American Roots Song
Rosanne Cash - "A Feather's Not A Bird"
Best Americana Album
Rosanne Cash - The River & The Thread
Best Folk Album Old Crow Medicine Show - Remedy
Best Music Video
Pharrell Williams - "Happy"
Best Music Film 20 Feet From Stardom
Darlene Love, Merry Clayton, Lisa Fischer & Judith Hill
Morgan Neville, video director; Gil Friesen & Caitrin Rogers, video producers
We Are From LA, video director; Kathleen Heffernan, Solal Micenmacher, Jett Steiger, video producers
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Max Martin
"Bang Bang" (Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj)
"Break Free" (Ariana Grande Featuring Zedd)
"Dark Horse" (Katy Perry Featuring Juicy J)
"Problem" (Ariana Grande Featuring Iggy Azalea)
"Shake It Off" (Taylor Swift)
"Unconditionally" (Katy Perry)
Taylor SwiftHow 2015's Record of the Year Nominees Stack Up » Best Instrumental Composition
John Williams - "The Book Thief"
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
Pentatonix - "Daft Punk"
Best Arrangement, Instrumental and Vocals
Billy Childs - "New York Tendaberry"
Best Recording Package
Jeff Ament, Don Pendleton, Joe Spix & Jerome Turner, art directors
Pearl Jam - Lightning Bolt
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Susan Archie, Dean Blackwood & Jack White, art directors
The Rise & Fall Of Paramount Records, Volume One (1917-27)
Best Album Notes
Ashley Kahn
John Coltrane - Offering: Live At Temple University
Best Historical Album
Colin Escott & Cheryl Pawelski, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer
Hank Williams - The Garden Spot Programs, 1950
Kristen WiigWatch Kristen Wiig Join Sia for Grammy Performance » Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
Beck - Morning Phase
Tom Elmhirst, David Greenbaum, Florian Lagatta, Cole Marsden Greif-Neill, Robbie Nelson, Darrell Thorp, Cassidy Turbin & Joe Visciano, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer
Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical
Tijs Michiel Verwest, remixer
John Legend – "All Of Me (Tiesto's Birthday Treatment Remix)"
Best Surround Sound Album Beyoncé - Beyoncé
Elliot Scheiner, surround mix engineer; Bob Ludwig, surround mastering engineer; Beyoncé Knowles, surround producer
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Jo-El Sonnier - The Legacy
Best Reggae Album
Ziggy Marley - Fly Rasta
Best World Music Album
Angelique Kidjo - Eve
Best Children's Album
Neela Vaswani - I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up For Education And Changed The World (Malala Yousafzai)
Best Musical Theatre Album Beautiful: The Carole King Musical
Jessie Mueller, principal soloist; Jason Howland, Steve Sidwell & Billy Jay Stein, producers (Carole King, composer & lyricist) (Original Broadway Cast)
Best Blues Album
Johnny Winter - Step Back
Best Spoken Word Album
Joan Rivers - Diary Of A Mad Diva
Best Comedy Album
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Mandatory Fun
Rihanna Kanye West and Paul McCartneyKanye West, Rihanna and Paul McCartney Debut Track at Grammys » Best New Age Album
Ricky Kej & Wouter Kellerman - Winds Of Samsara
Best Improved Jazz Solo
Chick Corea - "Fingerprints"
Best Jazz Vocal Album
Dianne Reeves - Beautiful Life
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Chick Corea Trio - Trilogy
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band - Life In The Bubble
Best Latin Jazz Album
Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra - The Offense Of The Drum
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Апошняе змяненне старонкі адбылося 22:12, 12 лютага 2015.
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